Some mornings

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Keith loved mornings. He loved waking up after sleeping amazingly and being greeted with the astonishing delight of seeing his gorgeous boyfriend sleeping.

God Lance looked like an angel and Keith felt so damn lucky to wake up to this. He felt lucky that he has the honor to wake up to this every day.

Sometimes when Keith woke up it was hell for him, this was usually when Lance wasn't there with him. He always seemed to have a crick in his neck and he felt unbelievably grouchy until his boyfriend came home and began to drown him in absolute love and then and only then did his mood brightened.

Keith adored waking up to a peeping Lance staring back at him. Lance, upon being caught would flush a scarlet and scramble to get up but Keith only locked Lance into his arms, holding him close and not letting go. He'd then proceeded to pepper Lance's beautiful face with soft and lazy early morning kisses.

Some mornings Keith woke up and all he wanted to do was hold Lance close. He'd feel a sort of sadness and fear that one day he'd wake up Lance wouldn't be there but then Lance would always wake up and assure Keith he'd always be here.

And some morning Keith woke up and felt like he just needed to get it on with his boyfriend, and then after that they'd shower together.

Breakfast with Lance was nice too. A cup of coffee, the way he likes it, and a tan Cuban boy on his lap as they ate eggs or pancakes or cereal.

Some mornings were too good to be true in his opinion and he didn't know what he did to get such a spectacular boyfriend like Lance.

Right now Keith was laying in bed gazing upon his sleeping boyfriend's face. He couldn't help but smile to himself slightly and as of awoken by Keith's fond gaze, Lance's eyes fluttered open, his eyelashes batting as he woke up. Keith couldn't help but bite his lip softly as he stared at Lance and Lance, upon feeling his gaze tilted his head slightly up. Their legs were entangled and lances arm was behind Keith's head.

Lance gave Keith a small, slothful and tired smile and cupped Keith's cheek with his one hand. He tilted his chin up slightly and lightly kissed Keith. They both smiled somewhat into the kiss, eyes closed.

'Man,' Keith thought to himself. 'I am the luckiest man in the universe to wake up to this.'

Some mornings were soft and tender, some unhappy and comforting, some spicy and warm, and some were just spectacular and Keith couldn't get enough of it.

"I want to wake up with you next to me every morning for the rest of our lives." He mumbled against Lances lips which earned him a blush and a tender, breathy laughter from Lance which he peeked an eye open to watch. He pulled Lance closer by his waist and snuggled his one hand under Lance's thigh and proceeded to kiss the love of his life and entire being.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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