Only you

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Of all the ones who try for me,
I still think your the one for me,
We have a destiny.
You're all I want;
Even after I fuck up.
You're all I want.
I don't want or need anyone else.
You're the one who brings me comfort and trust.
I miss you even when you never call me.
I miss you although I cry.
I cry because I miss your closeness.
I cry because I regret something I wouldn't do to you.
Forgive me my love for I want to be your eternity.
For I want to be the one who is there for you right or wrong;
I stand by you
I stand by you even when anyone else walks away.
No matter how hard it gets I'm not leaving you
Just as long as it's love.
I can't leave you be even if you've hurt me.
Even when you're not around on a dark night, I'm around when yours are darker.

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