➳ up late - army/aloha ①

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A cold night draft slipped through Army's window, brushing across the back of his neck. It made the orange inkling shiver in discomfort. He had put his jacket on the coat hanger next to his apartment door, so now he was covered in a thick blanket. Army blinked a few times at the page he was reading. It was getting a little blurry. The boy had refused to go to sleep until he finished this book, he couldn't bear to put it down. It was just so interesting to him. Even if he did put it down, he wouldn't be able to sleep properly. Army would lie in bed for a few seconds, then he would get up because he wanted to know what would happen next. He was sitting on a pillow in his chair, his arms and the hard-covered book resting on his study desk.

The title was something like 'The Fault in our Starfish'. It was a romance novel, and Army couldn't help being over-invested in Hazel Grace Linecaster and Augustus Waters. He barely had any romantic interests in real life, and when he finally did fall in love he thought he hated the poor guy for a long while before they got along. While he enjoyed his lover's company, Army was also very content with the wonder of reading and imagining what it would be like for fictional characters. Although, the lovers in the book he was reading didn't have a very happy story. They were more star-cursed than star-crossed. The inkling boy was just reading Augustus' proclamation of love to his girlfriend while they were on a plane to Clamsterdam before he heard his balcony door sliding open. Wait-

Who in Cod's name was this?!

Bookmarking the page he was on with a pressed white carnation, Army rummaged through one of his desk drawers to find a weapon. He'd left his N'zap 85 at Ammo Knights to be repaired. How inconvenient! Aside from having to confront the probable-burglar in his socks, Army did not find anything remotely threatening in his drawer. It contained only pens, notebooks, and individual papers. He opened his bedroom door as quietly as he could and proceeded to the kitchen. His weapon of choice was a frying pan he'd picked off of the kitchen rack. The entity was now noisily walking around in his living room. How a midnight intruder could be this bad at stealth confused Army a little, but he was thankful it wasn't a serious thief. It knocked over his coat hanger before Army swung hard and hit whatever it was square in the head.

The impact of the frying pan made a loud metallic twang, and the mysterious shadow yelled loudly in pain. Army would have to apologize to his neighbors next morning.

" OWW!! What the HELL Army?! "

Army raised his pan again in agitation.
" Quiet! How do you know my name?! "

The figure only groaned and clutched it's head. Carefully, the orange inkling inched towards the light switch. He flicked it on, and immediately returned to his attack-stance. It wasn't quite needed anymore though, the light had revealed the intruder's identity. Army squinted and lowered his weapon. It astonished him to some degree that the other inkling could make out his features in the dark, while Army could not do the same with them.

" Aloha...? "

" DUH!!! "

" Why are you angry?! "

" You hit me with a frying pan!!! " Aloha pointed at him accusingly. His other hand was still rubbing the place where Army had hit him.

" You broke into my house!!! " Army raised his hands up in exasperation.

Yeah, he'd definitely have to apologize to his neighbors tomorrow. The shorter inkling crossed his arms, returning to the kitchen so he could put his frying pan back to it's appropriate place.

" Okay, okay. I can explai- "

" I suggest you get out. "

Aloha had gotten up and tried following him. Army didn't need to look at him to refuse him. It irritated Aloha to no end, Aloha just wanted some attention! But he wouldn't let Army see how ticked off he was. He just couldn't. It was a pride thing. The pink inkling took a deep breath and exhaled.

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