➳ trying - mask/reader

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✻ a/n:
partly because all me and my friends did yesterday was play paladins and mostly because i am hopelessly in love with stupid cyan nerd. reader is gender neutral but leans towards masculine because aside from loving mask i also love gay :]]]
final word count excluding a/n is 1715
✻ f/c = favorite color


The synthetic light seeped from the TV screen and spilled onto your fingers in flickering patterns, disturbed by the frantic tapping of your digits onto your controller buttons. You had to grind for 60000 coins by yourself to get this champion you wanted. And you had to do it alone without any party bonus that increased gold gain by 10% because Mask had to go to an S4 meeting of all things. You were obviously a little annoyed, but you know he couldn't help it. Army seemed really intimidating and you hadn't even met him. Fortunately you loved this game very much, you just really wanted Mask back. You would beat his ass in a 1v1 when he got home for revenge.

Actually... you'd never beaten Mask when you challenged him, but you almost did that one time and so you assured yourself that perseverance is key. By this point you had amassed somewhere around 37950 coins, and you were wondering if that hero was really worth it. She was really pretty too... yes, of course she was worth it.
This reminded you of your motto; Anything for your waifu!

With your newly found determination you got top play.
It made you really proud of yourself. Too bad you didn't have anyone to gloat to. Since you became roommates with Mask, you hadn't seen your family in a while. Sure, your mom called occasionally, but it wasn't the same. You began spacing out in the middle of a match- and as you expect it didn't end all too well. Your great KDA bragged a stunning 2/10/5! Lovely. The match against Mask would have to be postponed to another, much later date. Hopefully when you recovered from these trying times. You facepalmed and groaned to yourself before queuing up for the next match. Speaking of the next match, you ended up with a similar KDA. You had decided you'd keep feeding your ass off until you got enough coins, but then a knock on the door announced your roommate's arrival.

" (Name)? "

He sounded a little annoyed. Well, he always sounded like that when returning home. Aside from Army being so strict, Aloha didn't sound easy to deal with either. Skull was neutral though. You closed the game since you were so tilted, and realized Mask had forgotten his key. Again.

" i'm coming! "

You unlocked the door and you could feel him squinting at your clothes from behind his gas mask. You couldn't judge him, really, you weren't presentable in the least. You were wearing one of his sweaters that you had washed to what you called 'perfection' (but it was just really clean). Because it was so big on your smaller frame, he wasn't even sure if you were wearing any shorts. Your socks were also pretty rumpled. He only sighed and walked inside, you huffed in disbelief.

" what?! "

" noooothinggg... "

" it's not like what you wear is better. "

He stopped and looked back at you briefly. What he said next made your heart do jumping jacks for a reason you couldn't fathom.

" justttt, don't answer the door like thaaat... it gives people like me indeecent thouughts... "

Your only response was another what, but at a much lower volume and in a much higher pitch of your voice. Mask barely heard, but when he did he only snickered at your embarrasment. Clearly upset, you crossed your arms. The cyan inkling didn't even need to turn to figure out what you were angry over.

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