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Deep inside me, I'm fading to black, I'm fading . Took an oath by the blood of my hand, won't break it I can taste it, the end is upon us, I swear Gonna make it I'm gonna make it

Nyda Pov.

"And it's done."

I turn to Jasper, "so what do you think?"

He turned to me and cocked his eyebrows.

"W.. what?" He said confused, obviously, Jasper failed to pay attention when I put up the poster.

"What do you think of the poster?"

"Oh, well I think, I think it looks fine to me," I swear to God this guy.

"Why did you even offer to escort me to town if you weren't going to pay attention to why we're even here."

He cocked his eyebrows again, this time with annoyance in his eyes.

"I offered to escort you here, because we have to have a much-needed conversation about our deal, not to see you hang up some poster. For job applications."

I let out a sigh.

"I thought we were going out for a drink anyways, this whole 'friendship' thing you want is absolutely useless if we're not going to do anything fun. What do you need employees for anyway?"

Jasper's perception of friendship is delusional at it's finest.

"Friendship is more than just going out for drinks and discussing business Jasper and I need employees because I can't run a whole club all night long on my own, I need a least a bartender, two or more bouncers, dancers and people that are willing to share their body intimately."

"Well if that's all, then I have the perfect solutions for your problems. Jackson and Matthew would make great bouncers and I bet one of my underlings knows how to handle a bar and make proper drinks, as for prostitutes I have plenty of courtesans they can dance as well. I don't get why you are so worked up about this."

As he ended his sentence he slit his arm around my neck, I pushed it off right after.

"Okay so maybe Jackson and King will be fine as bouncers, but considering all the other employees I need your underlings won't do. I want the people that work for me to be authentic and not made and trained into their identity."

I could hear him hum beside me as he again put his arm around my neck, only this time pulling me toward him. What is it with him and skinship?

"I see, that must be why you choose Sana as your right hand and that Amber girl as your first prostitute. Neither knows anything about their identity except for their name. And before you explain how that is true I will for you; Sana is a trained assassin, she only answer your questions as if it's a command, her father turned her into the perfect weapon, obedient, smart, cunning, she has a great stamina and charisma, she speaks a whole lot of languages and yet to think there's even more to her, you think she can be an actual person outside of what her father created."

I thought he was going to continue talking about Amber but instead waited for me to comment on his remarks about Sana.

"I do think she can be an actual person, all I have to do is break the wall her father built to make sure she never stepped out of line. Before you go on about Amber, she is just a lost soul in an empty shell. The reason I offered her a job as a prostitute is because she can't do anything else besides using her body for other people their pleasure. She has no education, no job experience and no skills that I know of."

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