I didnt know it would be that bad..?

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~bit of a trigger warning~ 

Keith slipped from my tight grip, as his skin grew a shade of purple. His ears were what fascinated me the most. Those soft, purple, fuzzy ears. His eyes were closed when I tried to talk to him.

No response
"Keith, baby?"
No response.
His eyes opened.

They were completely yellow, glowing. He looked scared. Afraid to show me anything about him.

"D-don't look at me, Lance... please.." he begged me, trying to escape to the bathroom. I wouldn't let him. "Please, Lance. Let me go." His voice was now serious, and it scared me.

My eyes opened with fear, scared of what he was going to do in said bathroom. I knew what was in there. While he was sleeping I searched the house. Keith had to have been going through some crazy shit before I mated him. Razor blades were covering his sink, along with bandaids and needles.

"No. I can't let you in there, Keith." He looked at me as my voice filled the room. "I'm not letting you fall into old habits."

"Y-you kno- wait... h-how do you know... and how m-much..." Keith looked at me wide-eyed.

"Come here, Keith.."
He shook his head.
"Please, baby. I want to help you..."

Reluctantly, I sat back down and Keith hesitated to sit on my lap. When he did, he began to sob into my chest, holding onto me for dear life. He felt like a child, one that he is holding.

"baby.. I saw what you had under your sink. But I won't judge you for it. I won't say a word about it, because I know you can recover. The nights you spend alone, with no one but the shadows. I bet you were scared, but listen to me, I'm right here. Even if this happens."

He interrupted me; "this...?"

"You turning purple and growing fangs and having yellow eyes. I know you Keith, and I know you are a fighter. I know you do not just give in, and you can't with your suppressants. You have to trust me, and we can talk about your issues later. Now, I just want to make sure you are okay. I want to make sure every little pup in your belly is okay. I'm not leaving, and I will always be right here."

I licked his mate mark, cause him to let out a moan. This sound made me smile.

"Until this fades because you don't love me anymore, I can't leave you. We are bonded, mates, in love." He places his hand on his mark, making mine glow.

He began to turn back to his original form, being more comfortable in his skin. His eyes closed again, them turning back to a purple-brownish color. Eventually, he looked up at me. His soft smile was all I needed to make sure he was okay, and trusted me.

"My mom..." He began, "She was the one who started my addiction. She was always around it, and it just carried to me. Of course my father left at a very early age. She thought that if she could drag me along with her, I could always be there. I couldn't, and she knew it. I let her down because I am no Alpha. I was never good enough for my mother, so I felt trapped. And to this day, I still feel trapped, because she is dead because of me. I invaded her home, stole all of her things, every pill, every needle, every razor blade, everything. I made sure her house was clean, so when the cops came, they wouldn't suspect anything. Then they came to me, found everything. And since they were all prescribed to my mother, they arrested me. I was extremely fucked up, so when they took me to jail, I didn't comprehend it. I can't break myself from it, Lance, even if we try together. I can't..."

I was crying silently as he spoke, but it all came to me at once. Keith is the son of the woman I killed..

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