I continue my venture through the pits of hell, eventually someone notices and starts towards me, but I'm already at the exit. I think. Its a small carving with a vauld type door, I twist and shove and eventually real, fresh but smoky air fills my deoxygenated lungs. Even though the air couldn't be more polluted, I'm so happy to get out. Happy to be alive.
I guess now I'm ready to go out, to start fresh, to hunt down Ares. My big brother... Suddenly as I enter the junk yard, now 3 foot higher, I have a flash back. We stroll around our lane, skipping, I must have been about 3, he's not that much older I guess. He takes my by the hand and he lifts me onto his shoulders, my curls bobbing as he runs around my arms spread like aeroplane wings... He was the best big brother I could have wished for. Now he's in for the surprise of death.
If I could see him now, I would slap him. That sounds strange, yes, but he did abandon me. Then we'd hug dramatically like on TV when a mother and daughter are reunited only we're siblings. He said he was joining the navy when he was 21. That won't happen now. That company, it didn#t even had a name and they wanted to use me like a lab rat.
I don't know what to do now, the firmiliar stench of rotting flesh is around me... Filling my lungs and making my eyes water, not something I ever thought I would witness... Was it really an apocolypse though? A tornado, a random, never existant volcano, a tsunami and an earthquake. It can't be just Britain... nothing like that's ever happened her before.
What if it's the whole world?
What if everthing I knew is gone?
What if I'm the only sane person alive!
Scared, alone and lost. That's what I am.I'm just a girl, a child, a teen. None of this should be happening and I shouldn't have to go through this. Even seeing a fallen over building just makes me imagian our house being crushed, eating the inhabitents, my family.
The streets are broken up, sunk in the liquid fraction, I crouch and put my hands on one of the cracks where the liquid has now set, it's still warm.
Movement. Behind me. "Who-who's there?" I ask... a hand wraps around my mouth, a white glove. So it wasn't anyone from the company...
So who is is?
Lonely Tides
Mystery / ThrillerLola May finds herself staring at open tides as a tornado strikes England, the first catastrophic of its time. She must fight to see her brother and battle against 'Ground Demons' as she calls them. This 2062 set story travels to the future and disc...