1|The Box

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1-The Box
Sklyer felt herself being hurtled upwards in the dark abyss.

She was confined in a small box with a burning headache, a gash on her forehead and a few weird objects that made no sense to her: boxes, apples, unhinged doors and a rusty box of nails.

She clawed helplessly at the metal walls but fell down as the box accelerated dangerously.

'Help!' she shouted, 'please! Anyone!'

She choked on her own words as her dry throat wouldn't let her speak anymore. She huddled herself into a corner and dragged her knees into her chest just as a burning pain ran across her voice and a panicked voice broke through her thoughts.

'Listen, Skyler. Very carefully, I haven't got much time. You are an experiment gifted with the ability to talk telepathically to another Glader whose name is Thomas. You will meet him in one month and must fall in love with him or the creators will kill you.

You cannot fall in love with another Glader or the Creators will kill them. I'm sorry. Especially Newt.

This may seem strange to you but it is all part of a well devised plan to keep everyone safe. Everyone.

I've got to go. They are coming, good luck Skyler and remember: WICKED is good.'

The voice faded away into panicked echoes as Eva let out a frightened moan.

Suddenly, the box stopped and Skyler felt herself being jerked forward and thrown like a rag doll into the opposite wall where her head began to throb uncontrollably .

Sklyer looked around her and suddenly was blinded by a streak of light above her, the box was opening.

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