chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Ana pov

"Alessandro you dumbass you can't even keep your turf in order"Uncle Marco said anger evident in his voice.It has been two weeks since dad died he must be turning in  his grave knowing the kind of people our so called family is made of
And here I am sitting in a conference room with them all .

If it were not for our surname I would personally kick them all out of the building but if theres one thing I've learnt from watching fairy tail is you you don't have to be blood or share the same surname to be family.I think all the people in this room right now have no right to even be considered my family.Seriously can't I kick them out I don't care if it got on the front page of the newspaper.

Remembering the days when Nonna was still alive and had her family dinners with all 6 sinners in the dining room of her farmhouse.I think that was the only time my uncles were not at each others throats wanting to kill one another. They all had their own business but unlike dad they didnt run honest businesses . They ran their businesses the way a mafia king would ,the guns,the trafficking,the drugs,the annoying turf fights,illegal dealings and don't get me started on the killing.I'm so suprised the god damn police don't even know who they are ,then again who knows they could have bought those corrupted bastards. Money makes the world crazy they say and its so true how you can let someone buy you instead of doing the duty you trained for.

They used to brag about how much money they made and how many they killed during that dinner,I also remember dad coming home so tired from that dinner he would just go to sleep.They like rubbing their illegal stuff in our faces.Not like we cared. Nonna use to scream at them for talking about that in front of the youngsters but they were probarly long down the rabbit hole themselves if they grow up in any of my uncles households  Cause knowing them they wont let their children live in peace and chose a career for themselves and the number of mistresses they had.

Taking out his gun and placing it on the table,uncle Marco leaned back on his chair,smiling revealing his gold covered teeth while throwing glares at uncle Simon. Sitting next to him would have been intimidated by this act but knowing him, he is the biggest coward to have walked the earth. Must be the main reason he has the most bodyguards stationed outside.

"Marco brother, who are you trying to fool with this tough guy act, you don't have the balls to kill me" uncle Simon said

This is getting interesting uncle simon knew exactly which insults would open the gates of hell for uncle marco and this means a fight is brewing.

"You bastard"

Uncle marco was out of his chair in seconds climbing the table and grabbing ahold of uncle Simon's collar and in the process the rest of my uncles started grabbing each other too settle some unknown conflicts they have against each other. Their mistresses tried to break them apart but I think they ended up with a few fists in their faces as well.

This caused distractions that  uncle simon used to land a punch on uncle Marco's face

Before this got out of hand I grabbed the gun that was laying right next to me. I corked it and aimed at the roof


The sound of the gunshot brought everyone in the room to silence and focus on me. The wood from the ceiling were I shot fell on the table, the dust went all over my black sweater. I dust myself settling back into my seat

"Can you all wait till attorney Edward comes,before you start to rip each other apart."

I run my fingers through my bangs and slump back into my seat crossing my legs and looking out the window to the view of Manhattan. Everyone slowly went back into their places afraid another fight will break out. Soon I turned my attention to the gun on the table. Admiring the gold carvings on the handle and the black background emphasizing the gold lines


Uncle marco took the gun from the table looking at me slyly. He knew how I loved guns when I was younger.

Instead of dolls and tiaras I played with toy guns and knives. When nonna first found out she was terrified of me ending up like my uncles but when she knew the reason why I played with it  she stopped worrying. When I turned ten she helped me in learning how to use a gun and practice self defense. I never knew why she encouraged me in this but she was just trying  to protect me from the mafia and illegal dealings my uncles were up to. If my mum didn't change my dad he would have ended up just like his brothers. His tattoos were a constant reminder of the road he once was going down and how it would have ruined his life. It's not the world you want to live in being controlled by your greed and desires.

I looked at the clock an hour has passed and Edward hasn't arrived yet. I am about to lose my patience if I have to stay in the room any longer. If he is not here in the next hour I am leaving and not caring about what's going to who.
10 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
40 minutes
50 minutes

I grabbed my bag and headed straight for the door. As I reached for the knob only to have it open on it's own. Edward stood on the other side of the door holding a red folder. Walking straight past me to the conference table not even looking up at the people occupying it .

He takes off his glasses wiping the sweat on his forehead with his handkerchief placing it back on his face
"Right now everyone is here I will get straight down to business and read out the will of Mr. Diego Fernandez...."


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