3. bleeding

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I am now at the Cafeteria where my hyungs are.
"Jimin what took you so long?" Jin hyung ask me, Jin hyung is basically the mom on our group, he always takes care of us.

"I just......... Never mind" I said because I dont want them to know what happened a while ago.

"Jimin you know you can tell us anything" RM hyung said to me.

"hyung what will you do if you saw a girl that you think that you actually like, that is being bullied by your ex girlfriend because your ex said that the girl that you actually like is stealing you, but then the girl that you think that you like is saying that she doesn't like you back what would you do?" they are shock to hear me said that but I was just facing the ground a little heart broken when I remembered what y/n just said.

"Jimin, is this girl your talking is smart? cause if she is, then she is smart enough to lie so that she would not be bullied" RM hyung said that made me realise that maybe she like me and she just lied so that she would not be bullied.

"You got a point hyung" I said happily but they just smirk at me.

"So Jiminie hyung so who is this girl that you are mentioning?" Jungkookie said with a smirk which made me blush.

"I..... I just found it in a story" I said losing my words, haha I just kinda lied. And I am blushing while I was looking at the ground.

"Really found or Read?" Suga said to me, which made me realise that I said found instead of read, ugh you are so stupid Jimin now they can find out that you have a crush on a chick nerd girl.

"So you really like someone, am I right?" V said that made me blush

"you know what, lets... Just forget what I just said" they all look at each other then they form a smirk.

"ok, Jimin if thats what you want, then ok" Jin hyung said to me while he was smiling.

"lets eat?" RM hyung said to all of us, we just nod as a respond. When they are prepairing the foods I look at y/n who was treating her wounds I suddenly felt bad because I did not save her from Seokhee.

"Jimin who are you looki-" Jin hyung did not continue his question when he look to my previous direction then suddenly smirk.

"Oh so you where looking at that girl" he pointed to y/n then I suddenly blush, but I remembered that y/n was a nerd and I dont want them to know that I like a nerd so I just act that I am angry and said.

"I am not looking at her hyung" I said angrily. They all look at me with shock eyes.

"so-sorry I didn't mean to shout" I said to them.

"Its alright Jimin" RM hyung said. Before I could sit at my chair I saw Jin hyung talking to y/n if she wanted to sit with us.

"Jin hyung I swear I am gonna kill you after this" I said sarcastically at myself. At first y/n was shock that Jin hyung was talking to her and just said no but Jin hyung really convince y/n so he is able to say y/n yes.

"y/n sit next to Jimin" Jin hyung said, which made me and y/n feel awkward but y/n just said no shyly. All the students are looking at us with shock and I think y/n notice it and just sat at her previous table. But RM hyung grab on y/n wrist and force her to sit with me.

"oh no need to RM oppa I have a seat and I dont want to ruin all of your image so I will just sit at that empty seat right ther hyung but thank you for asking me if I wanted to sit here" she said then bowed shyly and went again to her previous seatbut I called her name.

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