17. Saturday

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Your P.O.V

As I remember all that has happened between my family and my dad I slowly began to cry. It just hurts so badly thinking that you have loved your dad so much, but he left you. He left you for his other family. But I really hope me and my dad can meet again because its been so many years since the day that we didn't meet and now I am missing him.

I didn't notice that Jimin keeps on saying my name until he patted my back and said my name again then look at me. When he look at me he began to get worried. Why is he worried? I questioned myself.

"y/n why are you crying? Is it about your dad or my question? If it is my question I am very very sorry" Jimin said worriedly while he was parking his car that I think we are in the park near the beach. I was confuse on why Jimin parked his car at the park.

"it's about my dad, but why did we stopped at the park?" I ask Jimin while I was sniffing.

"you need to tell me what is going on" Jimin said worriedly while getting out of the car. I was gonna open the car door to get out of the car but Jimin opened it for me which startled me a bit. How can he be a gentleman if he is a playboy? Playboys never act like a gentleman right?

"about what?" I said to Jimin confuse while bowing to him signalling him a 'thank you for opening the car door for me' then Jimin immediately bowed back at me.

"about your dad and maybe about yourself too" Jimin said slowly leading me to a bench near the beach. The sunset is really beautiful. I grab my phone and took a photo of the beautiful sunset.

"woah the sunset is really beatiful, but why do you wanna know about who I am and about my dad?" I questioned Jimin while still looking at the beautiful sunset while the wind is hitting us both.

"I just wanna know" Jimin said signalling me to sit at the bench. I nod at Jimins answer then headed to sit next to Jimin at the bench.

Jimin's P.O.V

I keep on looking at y/n. She just looks so beautiful. I admired her beauty. She's so pretty, I wonder if y/n ever had a boyfriend if not then I will make sure that I am gonna be her first boyfriend. I'll make sure that I am gonna be her first to the last. If she will become my wife I would be so happy to have her as my wife. She got everything. She's, pretty, beautiful, kind, smart, rich, hot, and maybe sexy. I didn't saw her being sexy but I know that she is sexy.

"J-Ji-Jimin oppa?" y/n said while she was blushing. I think she notice that I was staring at her for a long time which made me stop looking at her and look at the ground.

'wait Jimin dont look at the ground she'll know something's up' said myself. I quickly look back at y/n who was still blushing cutely. She would know that something is up if I act this way. Why can't I just act like a playboy beside her? But I can't because she makes me nervous.

"yes?" I ask y/n, trying to look hot and all playboy style. But turns out I look ridiculous then stop acting like I am a hot playboy because I know it will turn out bad and funny.

"what do you wanna question me?" y/n ask me shyly. How can she be so cute when she is shy? I wish I can have her instantly but I can't because I have a rival which is Chanyeol. Chanyeol first stole Seokhee from me, then y/n!? I can't take it. He can have Seokhee but not y/n because she us mine and will be forever mine.

"oh, about your father" I said to y/n which she eventually nodded and told me everything that has happened to her father. She began to cry, and I began to get worried. I didn't know that y/n father left them. I feel sorry for y/n.

How can her father left them for another family? And the worst part is y/n father and y/n father's girlfriend have a baby. How can he do that? When he knows that he have a family. If I where y/n I would totally go and find my father and scold him. I hope y/n will be ok. But U already know that she will because she is strong.

I went more close to y/n and hug her tightly because I was getting really worried from her crying. I am caressing her back with my hand to calm her down and make her feel safe. She didn't even resist my hug which I smiled.

Time skip
Your house

After all of the crying and telling, me and y/n are now working for our project that we need to give to the teacher tomorrow. We only needed to finish little and then we are done. After our project is done I help y/n clean the mess that we made from our project.

"why isn't your mom home?" I ask y/n grabbing the paper but suddenly I got a paper cut, sometimes I never understand why people gets paper cut when they are so careful handling papers. I just lick the cut on my little finger not worrying that I have a paper cut on my little finger. Y/n is so busy cleaning the mess that we made. It took about ten seconds for y/n to answer my question because she was really focus on cleaning the mess that we made.

"oh, ahm, mom is busy planning the party due on sat!-" y/n said cutting her words while covering her mouth with her hands. I think she was shock.

"due on saturday...... Yes saturday...." y/n said immediately while smiling at me awkwardly. She looks very nervous, I wonder why.

"ok?" I said to y/n suspiciously while rising my one eyebrow. Y/n just smiled at me nervously then let out a small laugh.

"now lets finish cleaning!" y/n said almost shouting, she was still nervous.

"ok" I said immediately when y/n said 'cleaning'.

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