20. Dress

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Your P.O.V

Hearing the ringing of the alarm disturbs my time with my bed. I really don't wanna wake up now, I am too lazy to grab the alarm and stop it from ringing. I feel like my hands are sore when its not. I grab one of my pillow then put it to my ear covering the entrance of my ear. The ringing sound began to get lower but not enough for me to get back to my peaceful moment with my bed. It was pretty irritating so I decided to grab the alarm then push the stop button of the alarm to stop it from ringing. Why did I even set my alarm to 7:00 am when I don't have any plans today? Did I forget something? I rewind everything that has happened yesterday. I gotten to school with Chanyeol oppa, said hi to Jimin, gave the project to the teacher, went home, then.... Then... Aha! Then mom said that we will be shopping for new cloths for tomorrow. Aish! Y/n how could you forget about it? Mom will be mad at me if I don't get ready.

I stood up from bed then went to my mirror. My hair looks really messy because of my sleeping positions. I brush my hair before doing a bun on my hair. I went to grab my towel then headed to the bathroom to shower. Thirty minutes have pass, I gotten out of the bathroom to my mirror then blow dry my hair. After I am done blow drying my hair I gotten to my closet to change.

I look at one of my cloths. I really miss wearing shorts then crop top. So I took it and change. I look at myself at my mirror then smiled at myself. I remember when I use to wear sexy cloths to school and when we hang out with my family and friends. But then I got an F- because I didn't study because I was busy showing myself to everyone not caring about school. At that time I decided to really focus about school and not popularity, I was really popular at my old school. That's when we move to my new school two years ago which is the school that I am schooling. I began to get known as the nerd in school. But I didn't care because I was focusing on my studies.

I look at myself in the mirror and think what have I've done to myself. Why did I even hide myself? Am I that stupid? Maybe, because I could've shown a little about myself. Maybe I was really scared to get another F-. It was my first time getting an F- that's maybe why I decided to study harder. I look at myself in the mirror and think. This is too sexy, maybe I should change these shorts into rip jeans. So I gotten to my closet then look for my rip jeans, finally I found them. I quickly change my shorts to rip jeans. I again look at myself in the mirror. This is better. It's not too sexy and not too bland. But it's missing something, how about my hair. Yes my hair. I gotten closer to the table of my mirror then styled my hair into a wavy curl.

When I am done styling my hair I quickly went downstairs to eat.

"hello darling" mom said then went to me and kiss my forehead.

"hi mom, good morning" I said while hugging her.

"good morning to you as well" Mom said.

"ohhh, I see you wearing one of your favorite sexy cloths" mom said looking at my favorite crop top and rip jeans.

"yeah, its been a long time that I didn't wear this kind of outfit" I said to mom looking down shyly.

"well then why don't you wear this type of outfit?" mom questioned me that I immediately look at her.

"because I was scared that I will get another F- on exam" I said to mom.

"you wont get an F if you study" mom said which made me nod at her in agreement.

Mom and I went to the kitchen table to eat. I saw some delicious foods that mom made. I can already feel my stomach is saying that it wanted to eat food.
After me and mom are done eating I did the dishes. When I am done doing the dishes I grab a pair of shoulder bag then a pair of shoes. I then wear it and I went to mom who is playing with her cellphone.

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