5. Baby girl

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Your P.O.V

The heatness between us is sending wierd things in me, I feel like we are the only human being in this world, he did not stop looking at me so did I, I was just scanning him from button to top. I was stairing at him with full of passion while he was stairing at me like I was the missing person he was looking for. I was still scanning him from his hair, his precious sparkling eyes that always attract me, his pointy and beautiful nose, and his plump and perfect beautiful lips that always gets my attention.

As time past by my heart keeps on beating fast, his lips are all my attention, my thoughts just vanish away. I could already feel my heartbeat, it beats faster and faster as time past by, I was just focusing on his lips so did he, I did not think of anything other than his precious plump and beautiful lips.

My heart beats faster I could already hear it. I did not know what to do, I am just frozen like I was a statue. He lean on closer and closer I did not do anything but lay in the hospital bed frozen while I was stairing at his plump lips. He was leaning closer and closer at my lips untill our lips was only centimeters away from each other. The heatness between us is already a mess. I feel like I am gonna lose my mind, I just don't know what to do. We were only centimeters away and one move our lips will touch each other, but the docter emmidiately came, and we both pulled away while having an awkward situation.

"oh, ahhhmm sorry to interrupt, but miss y/n your mom called us and she said that mister Oh will pick you up, so you better get ready and pack up, oh and sir, y/n mom said that maybe if you can take care of y/n for a while, while mister Oh is coming to pick up y/n." the docter said while having a smirk in his face.

I remember this hospital this is where I go when my classmates bully me, the docter which I already know is mom's bestfriend I trusted her to keep all of my secrets starting from my classmates bullying me, she tried to explain and gives advice to me saying that maybe it is time for them to know who I am but I am just really scared on what might happen to me when I tell them.

Jimin just nod at the docter while miss Jeon just wink at me and left the room leaving Jimin and I have an awkward situation but suddenly Jimin broke that awkwardness and ask me something.

"so...... Aahhm.... Ahh.... Y/N I did not know that you have your own ride, but can I ask you something?" he said but this time his look became serious leaving my heart beat faster and faster anxious to know what he will ask me.

"oh, ahhmmm........ Yeah, sure" I said trying to find the exact and correct word for him to not know that I was stuttering while saying that.

"y/n when I brought you here" he pause, and I listened to every word he is trying to say while my heart is anxious to hear him ask what he have to ask.

"the docter ask who did this to you, she said that you are the daughter of a famous company and if they know who did this to you they are gonna punish them, so I am asking you if it is true that you are a daughter of a famous company?" he said with a serious look which left me scared, I am scared if he might find out that I was the daughter of a famous company, I dont know why I will be scared for him to know that I was a daughter of a famous company but something inside me tells that I am scared for everyone to know it.

"oh..... A-ahm the docter........ Must be mistaken and......... Aahhmm thought that I was the daughter of a famous company" I said stuttering trying my best to not seem that I was lying to him I just dont want him to know who I really am. He just nod at me.

"ok baby girl, I already packed your things and we can head to the parking lot and wait for mister Oh" I was shock to hear him said 'baby girl' and now I am blushing hard hiding the redness in my cheeks. While my heart is beating fast, I cannot believe that I heard him say baby girl to me it made me feel nervous.

"d-did you just call me b-baby g-girl?" I said stuttering while I was already blushing.

"yeah so what? What's wrong calling you my baby?" he said which made me feel nervous and shock. I just don't know what to feel, one moment he is serious, hot, and now he is being cute, what is wrong with this guy? He has a lot of sides in him which I did not expect.

"I-its just..... You know..... You are a playboy and I am a ner-" he did not let me finish and cut me off.

"so what if you are a nerd? You know that you have a lot of charms that can kill a boy really fast, I think that a lot of boys have a crush on you but they just won't tell it because they don't wanna ruin their image just for a chick girl like you" he said which melt my heart away.

I really dont know what to do and to say, hearing him said that just kills me right away, I am falling for him more and more when I am around him, he is the first person to say that to me but except for my family because they said that a lot of times. I feel like I can trust Jimin on my biggest secret but I can't tell him now maybe next time I am just waiting for the right moment to come.

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