4. Heartbroken

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Your P.O.V

I opened my eyes to see a bright white room that has a lot of lights in it, my head hurts. I touch my head and try to massage it but I immediately remembered what happened...... Seokhee? Wait! Seokhee! Punch me because I was with Jimin, she was jealous because Jimin was always stealing galances at me.

All I remembered was Seokhee bullied and punch me untill I was really weak she started to say hurting words at me. Then left me at the ground while I was bleeding and crying, I then remembered that Jimin was waiting for me outside so I just force myself to walk but I keep on tripping so I just walk slowly and weakly. I saw Jimin with his headphones and I weakly smiled at him. Jimin then saw me and he has a shocked look when he saw me. He eventually help me up while he has a worried expression, why would he help a nerd like me? He is a playboy and I don't want to be the reason on why he is acting this way so I just refuse.

"Jimin, i-its nothing I ca-can take care of myself" I said then everything became black.

I look at my side then see Jimin sleeping peacefully. I grew a smile when I look at Jimin, he sleep's so cute. Then he slowly open his eyes and I look away trying to act cool.

"oh, your awake" he said a bit of a raspy voice, he stretches his arms revelling his muscles, I cant stop myself from looking at him, he is just too atractive. My heart started to beat fast when I saw his flexible muscles, I feel like I could not breath properly just by seeing his muscles. But when I look at his face I could see that he is smirking so I quickly look down and I started to play with my nails while hiding the redness in my cheeks.

"yea-yeah" I said shyly.

"by the way what happened to you?" he ask me with a worried expression that I cannot deny he's just too hot when he is worried it made my heart beat fast. I know I am already weak but he made me more weak just by looking at me.

"I...... Ahm........." I dont know what to say I just don't want him to know what happened awhile ago, because I am scared that he might be mad at me or maybe bully me.

I started to cry while I remember everything that Seokhee told me that I was just a nerd who is a loser that I was just nothing to Jimin and Chanyeol oppa, she said that Jimin will never ever like me because I am a nerd and if he ever like me Seokhee can steal him from me really quick because of course she is pretty rich and popular unlike me. But there is something special in me that I can't show to anyone exept for my family they already know it. I am just scared that if maybe I show it to everyone they will hate me and maybe be jealous of me, and you think that they will like you but they would not because they are jealous of you and keeps on bullying you saying that you dont deserve what you get. But I want to show people the other me but I don't like being showy in school so I just kept it in my family and myself. But I sometimes show it but not in school because I don't like showing it to anyone in school because I just want to really focus on my studies and not popularity.

"y/n, just tell me please" I snapped back in my senses and look at Jimin who is really worried. Why does he have to be this hot when he is worried now I can't even focus on what I am gonna say to him.

"y/n, please" he beg me again and this time I could not take it anymore then just told him everything what happened to me but exept what Seokhee told me.

"So Seokhee did this to you?" I just nod and look at my nails while I started to play with it. I am expecting that he will be mad at me, because why would I tell him this when I am just a nerd.

"tomorrow I am gonna really punish Seokhee for doing this to you" he said angrily, I did not expect that he will be mad at Seokhee and not me.

"n-no please, I don't want any trouble" I beg him while I was in a verge of crying. He just sigh at me and just sit properly at his seat next to my bed.

"but where am I?" I questioned him still confuse on where I am.

"you are in a hospital but the doctors said you can go home today, I am just waiting for you to wake up, so that I can take you home"

I was shock to hear it from Jimin's mouth he don't have to do this. I began to get worried but not for myself, I am worried because of Jimin, he dont have to do this to me because I can take care of myself or maybe he could just left me all by myself at the hospital but he did not.

"Jimin you don't have to do this I can take care of myself" I said begging him but he just gave me an angry expression.

"y/n didn't you see that you are bleeding and look at you, you have a scar on your hand!" he said angrily at me, even when he's mad he is hot, I kinda was shock that he said that, it made me feel that I am safe when he is around but y/n snapped out he is a playboy and you are a nerd. Don't hope big because that is never gonna happen, you are just gonna be heartbroken if you keep on hoping big.

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