#8 They Found Me

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I felt little fizz with all the new information but I couldn't find strength to get up from footpath or to look up.
Suddenly a car stopped right at front in me, it was a white Toyota,
I tilted my eyes up and saw the black window rolling down.
A middle-age guy with orange hair and moustache stuck his head out of the window.
"Hey darling, it been a long time since I saw you, that night was extremely wild and steamy... yumm...my wife is going out of town this Saturday, you can make a few bucks if you want," he said wickedly followed by an air kiss.
I got up and turned towards the specters as fast as I could.
"Hey, your rates are up?? I can still pay for that ass" he shouted.
But I didn't look back and burst into a run towards the specters.
I was exhausted and tired.i went straight to my room and all the disastrous thoughts poured in my mind.
Who am I, a maid trying to pull Her shit together, a whore who steals friend's boyfriend, a prostitute who sleeps with married men, a woman who had affair and pregnancy with her own family member or a psychopath who killed her lover.
I couldn't get this straight. whoever I was, I no more wanted to go back.
There's no reason, maybe soon the Danielle case will be cold and then I will start waitressing in some cafe to build my new life again.
Maybe this is God's plan to transform me into a better person. I consoled myself.
Someone softly knocked on my door.
"It's open" I screamed.I didn't want company but after all, they are letting me stay.
It was Donna, she has changed colour of her hair from chocolate brown to mild red.
It suited her.
"This suits you," I said.
"Thank you meg, but you need to come downstairs officer Ryan booth got special permission from the court to interrogate you," she said with concern.
"What, but why, police weren't supposed to be here till next Friday," I said with shock.
"I know, but this case is now national news, it's all over BBC and other news channels, Arnold Williams is a powerful, famous businessman, whole media wants to know what happened to his son," she said matter of factly.
I was scared, do they know that I attacked him before passing out.
I slowly descended stairs and saw an officer with short spiky black hair, he had a great colour of golden skin, he had few files in his hands and he was flipping through the pages with his index finger rubbing his double chin.
My heart was beating rapidly,
My chest was going up and down In great pace.
Donna pushed me to enter the living room.
I sat slowly in the armchair,
Officer looked up and broke into a really really big smile.
I couldn't understand why was he so happy,in fact it seems like he wanted to hug me.
"Mrs spectre, I will have to interrogate miss green in police headquarters in presence of our deputy," he told Donna.
I was afraid to go alone with him, I went out in the patio and saw that it wasn't a police car but F.B.I 's Car.
I couldn't fit the pieces.
He pulled the door for me like a gentlemen, I couldn't say anything, I was just starting at him point blankly or we can say like I was drooling, he was a really handsome man that too in a well-fitted uniform, I was badly turned on by his charisma, maybe I m a slut, I laughed on the thought.
We both sat in and he started driving towards our destination.
Then all of a sudden he placed his right palm on my hand, I felt spark lit through me, I tugged my hand rapidly.
And waited for an explanation.
"Hey Valarie, what happened, we are meeting like after a month, I really thought that I have lost you, "he said with a surprised face.
"Valarie...!!, my apologies to you sir, but I think you are mistaken, I m Meghan green,"  I said with my eyes bulging out.
"Classic Valarie, always too much in character" He scoffed.
"Why are you saying Valarie again and again, I m tired of this, whoever is writing the story of my life is a drunken bastard" I shouted forgetting that he's an officer.
"Cool babe, cool what's wrong, everyone is waiting at headquarters for you, why don't you drop the cover and act like you are supposed to be," he said.
"What do you mean, you think I am acting, you think it's a damn joke to roam around like a crazy bitch, people coming in and adding pages to my life," I said breathlessly, my eyes were wet but I didn't want him to see me cry, so I tilted my head sidewise to the window.
There was an awkward silence for a few minutes and then he shoved his fist in the driving wheel.
BANG!!. I was shocked but didn't dare to say a word.
"So it's true, you have lost your mind.i told you ,I fucking told you to not take this case, but no way would you listen to me!!!," he exclaimed.
"I m sorry, I don't even know who you are" I sobbed.

"This hurts, this can't be our ending," he said in a low voice.

And then the rest of the 45 minutes to the headquarters were gone in complete silence.

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