#22 The Final

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The moonlight fell on her face,and her face enlightened,she gave me a gut wrenching smile ,I felt to grab a near by rock and split her skull In half.
"So you found me sweetheart...."she said in her buttered voice.

"Donna.....Donna specter.....Why....Why did you do this...I trusted you....I can't even think in my wildest dreams that it was you...." tears streamed through my eyes....I was choking on my own words.

"Sometimes...Life pulls you to such situation where you have no other options left...."

"You snatched everything from me.... Everything....My all happiness....Peace....What possibly wrong I could do to you..."
I shouted

"The wrong you did to me....Huh....You don't even remember.....You took away my pride.....He was ready to marry you...To give you the status of wife from mistress....That rat ass bastard was ready to give you fifty percent of our empire...."she hissed in anger..
I decided to press the button of cell ,since now I have the culprit In front of me...And I have the bug in cigarette box recording all this confession.I used the advantage of darkness and pressed one....The signal got activated
"You are lying.....You are fucking lying.....
Danielle was going to leave me....He was not even considering to marry me....He ditched me...He left me and baby alone"....I crumbled down on the soil while crying hysterically.

"I am not talking about Danielle..."she said coldly.
"I am talking about my husband.... Harvey specter....Who always dishonored me....I knew he has cheated on me several  times....but this time...He crossed all the boundaries when he slept with you...And decided to file divorce against me...I don't know what he saw in you..."

I looked up ,it was hard to process what she was saying...

"You killed Harvey!!" I screamed .
"Yes, because of you!!!" Donna hissed.

"Then why did you kill Danielle...."

"Well,he was supposed to die a lot later...But then I and Augustus felt it's better to get over you once and for all...."

I was puzzled...
"What!!! Augustus too....But he's my dad....And..."

"Yeah he's your dad....He understood that it was you when you came in for the first time....He followed you around....Sneaked on you....And understood that you were an informant...And spying on us....We asked Danielle to get rid of you but he was such a moron to let go of you...."she laughed wickedly..

"He was about to ruin our whole set up and business with russia....Our business of human trafficking and smuggling of weapons....
How could we let you both live...."

"Why didn't you kill me that night....."

"That was a stupid mistake of mine... Knowing that you are pregnant....I got a little emotional for you bitch....I should have finished you that night....Like I chopped head off the Danielle...
And then I and Augustus would have got married and then fled this god damn country....."
She pulled out a gun out of her purse and pointed it to me....

"Now I will finish your chapter....And dump bodies of you and Danielle here....
He's too cold,he sat in my freezer for almost a month...
And the world thinks that you ran away from hospital because you were guilty....It's all over media"

I felt too puke again , knowing that Danielle was in the house...All dead and cold.

"Why did you harm Ryan...."
I decided to stall her for some more time...
The back up will be soon here..

"He was a stupid guy....Came in my house as a plumber to search around my stuff...I caught him red handed and he ran away....Little did he knew about my connection....I asked augustus to take care of him..."

Soon the whole dark forest submerged in the red and blue light....The silence was overlapped with the loud wailing sirens...
It was the backup.
The blood from face of Donna vanished...Her face was pale white..
"You tricked me!!!!!"

"Gun down!!!!I repeat gun down...."
We were surrounded by almost 10-15 officers.... Everyone's focus was on Donna...
I knew she was not going to stay silent...
She pulled the trigger to load the gun.
I swiftly took out the syringe and gave myself the dose of my new life.
And bang!!!!!!
I felt a shot right on my appendix....
It was blood streaming through there....I collapsed....
There were few more round of bullets... Probably to neutralize Donna...
I felt the gut wrenching pain through my body...
Jessica ran towards me....
"Valarie...Open your eyes...You are not gonna die...You have to live... Valarie...."
She was crying uncontrollably...
Am I gonna die....But I thought I am the lead heroine of my life...How can I die...
"Kiss...Me...Last ..Wish..." I choked on words..
"No Valarie...You can ask me to do whatever you want to...Don't say last....Take all my clothes...My shoes...All the guys....Don't...Don't leave me..You can massage me... Please" she kept on pleading me...She kissed me several times while repeating the same lines...
I was helped by paramedics to lay on stretcher...
I could feel my soul leaving my body....
Love....You....In case....I...Die..."

And then I didn't even get time to hear the response because everything blacked out.
And my heart beat stopped.

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