#18 Everyone Is Against Me

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Few more days passed by me trying to comb the whole area for the left over bugs but nothing worked.
Karen has already moved her stash out of her bedroom and she didn't interrupt me much anymore which was a good thing for me.
And then the door bell buzzed.Gosh I hate this sound so much,its like someone dipping hot iron rods in my ears.
I opened the door and it was Donna all wet from head to toe in sweat.
"Where were you gone for so long?"
"It's that parcel thing,I had to do a lot of ups and down to fetch it" she shook her head in disappointment. I was like
Whaaaaattttttttt!!!there was really a parcel but I made that up..that's crazy in my mind.
"Can you get me water?"
I handed her the cold glass of water and noticed few cuts bruises on her fingers.
"What happened to your fingers"
"I drove straight for six hours non stop,got callouses due to steering wheel"
"Um Donna,can I get a leave for a day.. today specifically,I will be back by night"
"Why?whom you have got to meet"
"It's my caretaker,she is sick,so I thought to check on her"
"Well,the last time I saw her,she was fit enough to screw anyone" she said after gulping down the water.
I faked laugh.
"Well,yeah you can go,want me to drop you sweet heart"
She said without looking at me
"No thanks,I will manage".
I left their villa at 1 pm,I have to report everything back to Jessica,and with karen  snooping around to get back to me ,it would be better if I report to her personally....

After a 45 minute drive,stuck in terrible traffic I reached the sky hills apartment.
Jessica knew that I m coming so that reduce my chances of stepping into her screwing someone..
I rang the door bell and waited impatiently while tapping my heel again and again.
"Welcome home senorita.....!!!"
She said brightly.
"What took you so long to open"I groaned.

"Well,it takes time to put on clothes, so unless you want to see me naked you have to get used to it"

"Seeing...You...naked...I would probably put bleaching powder in my eyes after it"...
Her room was ultra-cleaned, anyone who will meet Jessica will expect a pig stay,with clothes lying around on floor ,but you can never know a person completely.

"So ,what's new bitch,bark?"
"Bhow bhow bhowwww" I squeaked like a puppy.
Whoa...This feels so weird...Why did I bark.
"You used to do this,good to know it's in your genes"Jessica winked

"Well,isn't my life great,I could remember that night,I could remember what happened to Danielle but noooooo ,all I can remember is barking when someone says "bitch"".

"Someone's not in good mood,give me the updates"
I handed her a plastic white box which had two bugs and I told her everything that happened, including the scene with karen.

"Hmmmm,so this karen,she's still breathing down your neck"
"Yeah,she is,I don't know why"
"You once told me on phone that you entered her room without knocking and caught her and her boyfriend high on cocaine... That was two days ago before your disappearance"

"Ah,that explains the bitterness,I did caught her and then I had this memory loss....And check this what I found"
I showed her the picture of stash and roll joints under her mattress.
"Oooh agent Valarie busted one more addict,but we can't press charges on her right now...We have more pressing issues...
Media has forgotten disappearance of Danielle but they are focused on murder of Harvey specter"

"I don't know what's going on in the  world...I am a day time maid and a night time agent...."I yawned and poured myself wine.
"Well, people are speculating that Danielle is still alive,and he may have killed him"
I spitted wine in astonishment.
"That's a theory...
They have cooked many theories,like maybe Harvey's business partner or someone close has murdered him"

"Interesting, interesting...."
And then I fell silent,I still can't fully convince myself that I m not a suspect, because I attacked Danielle that night.
The deadly silence was interrupted by the stupid sex and the city theme song.
"Hello, Jessica here...."
Jessica looked concerned ,she took the call and left to the balcony.
It was a windy day,
I noticed Jessica's concerned posture,and her strutting back and forth In balcony ,throwing hand gestures,she seemed threatened.
She came back after 5 minutes and the spark of her eyes was gone,she had a frown and she took a  long breathe before saying the next word.
"You are one of their prime suspect,
They want you to be in custody,and a new detective wants to interrogate you"
I felt the floor underneath me crumbled.
"You mean,this time in the real way,you mean the FBI suspects me"

"Yeah...I m sorry"
My own agency is against me,whom am I supposed to trust now,how would I find my way out of this,I myself don't know whether I am innocent or not,but knowing that everyone is against me makes me feel sick.
"Valarie"Jessica hissed.
"I am with you,but they have declared search warrant against you...You need to go to HQ"
"I know ,can I get beer or whiskey"
"Getting yourself high before interrogation will not be in your favour"
I m afraid to death,I have never felt this much lonely in my entire life,...Well the life I remember now.
But what other options I am left with.

We reached the HQ, Seattle,
Where I was taken to a tiny room accompanied by three officers.
It was the room exactly like shown in movies,grey walls..A brown table with two seats on opposite sides,with a huge two way mirror on one wall and dim light.
I sat there for 15 minutes but no one came,one of the seargent came to give me the decafe coffee which tasted like sewage....
I was anticipating that everything goes in my favor and when the black door opened ...
I held my breath in horror.

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