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Jaebeom POV

Mark quickly got up and was about to leave. I held his arm and pushed him against the door. Why are you running away from me mark? "Jaebeom, you are drunk you don't know what you're doing" he said while closing his eyes. He was right I was drunk we both were but i didn't care I was still angry to what Jackson and Jinyoung were doing and I started to kiss him. He tried to push me away but couldn't cause his small body wasn't strong as mine. And finally he let it go and started kissing me. I went down to kiss his neck I left a lot of hickeys on it and he moaned "ah- ahh bummie" I looked at his face we were now looking at each other and we both stoped. I can tell he was embarrassed and I was too. He quickly moved away from the door and was looking at the ground. I said I was sorry and didn't mean to do that. He said he was sorry as well. And I left his room.

Mark POV

I had no idea that this would happen, but I am glad that we stopped but also disappointed that we stopped. What the hell are you saying Mark Tuan? Get yourself together. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I looked in the mirror and saw the hickeys hickeys he gave me. I counted the hickeys he gave me. It was 5. And they were the size of something a little bigger than a water bottle cap. I didn't know what to do so I went to sleep.

Next morning

Authors POV

Everybody except Mark was sitting in the kitchen. Youngjae and Yugyeom were cooking. Cause they were the best cooks in the house.

Youngjae- "MARK HYUNG WAKE UP NOW, BREAKFAST IS READY." he screamed that made everybody startle.

Mark POV

I heard Youngjae screaming my name as always. So I woke up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I looked in the mirror and saw the hickeys. It was not a dream it really happened. I didn't know if I should cover them or just go like this. I decided to cover them up with foundation, they were still visible but it wasn't as bad as it was before. So I went down to the kitchen. Said good morning to everyone and they said it back. I saw everyone was sitting down and there was only a seat next to Jb.

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