(1) Chapter 15: Swimming Pool

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Since I thought Chapter 14 was really short, and I felt generous; here's Chapter 15 as well :)
Have fun!


Haruka Nanase

The next days go by slowly.

I started something called aquatic therapy a few days ago. It's nice to spend some time in the water, but it's also really annoying. The therapists won't let go of me, they hold me in place so tightly. I can't learn to swim again if they don't even let me swim.

I'm released from the hospital, but I can't go home. The wheelchair really limits me in what I can do. Since I can't go up stairs I have to sleep at other people's houses.

Even though I don't go to Samezuka myself, Rin was able to get them to allow me to sleep with the swim team in their rooms.

Now I'm lying on a mattress in Rin's and Sousuke's room. It took Rin the longest time to convince Sousuke, but eventually I was allowed to sleep here for a few nights.

It's almost midnight, but I can't sleep. I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling.

Whenever I can't sleep I try to move my legs, but I never get them to do anything. I don't even think the aquatic training is doing anything. It's not like I can suddenly feel my legs now. To me it still feels like my body just stops somewhere halfway my back.

I sigh.

Rin and Sousuke are quite loud sleepers. They move a lot in their sleep, and Sousuke snores. Rin's not much better, he talks in his sleep.

I need to get out of this room or I might get mad.

I glance at my wheelchair. I could go for a little stroll. All I have to do is get myself in my wheelchair.

I throw the blanket off myself and pull the wheelchair a little bit closer. Getting in there really takes a lot of force. I push myself up and pull until I'm somewhat sitting in the wheelchair. The rest is easy, I just adjust until I'm sitting better and I'm ready to go.

I ride through the hallways of the Samezuka building. It's dark and there's not much to see.

Then I see it... The swimming pool sign!

Without even wanting to I follow the signs until I'm suddenly in front of the swimming pool. It's filled with beautiful clear water and it's calling me.

This... only just looking at this pool is so much better than the aquatic therapy. This pool is big, and perfect.

I breathe out slowly and try to keep myself from going in.

But the water is too tempting, too clear and shiny. I can't be next to a pool and not go in. I have to dive in, I have to swim!

I move closer... and closer.

I'm next to the water now, I just need to get in. I can't learn to swim again without trying, this is the best way to do it.

I push myself out of the wheelchair, it falls onto the tiles with a lot of noise. I lay on the floor as well. I wonder if the noisee woke anyone up. I sure hope not, they'd get me away from the water immediately.

I drag myself to the side of the pool and slide into the water. The water is cool, and it feels amazing on my skin.

I'm free!

But only for one second. My arms slide through the water perfectly, but my legs won't move. I grunt and I get pulled under for a few seconds. Water streams into my mouth.

The water doesn't like me anymore...

I grab with my hands, looking for something to get me back to the surface again. My legs feel so heavy. They're making me sink. My arms are doing all the work, but they aren't strong enough.

I'm able to move to the side of the pool. My clothes are wet and cold and heavy, but I'm able pull myself onto the tiled floor.

I start coughing, water splattering from my mouth onto the floor. I lay down on the cold floor and pant.

The water hates me!

I feel a tear running over my cheek. I want to scream and cry, but nothing happens. I just lay there until my eyelids are getting so heavy that they close. I finally fall asleep.

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