10. My Brother Wants Back in My Life? No Way.

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As soon as I turned the corner for Bethany’s school I bolted towards the school entrance. How the hell can he just leave her at school? Stupid boy! It’s like you give them an inch and they take a whole fucking mile! Just wait till I get my hands on him! I parked right in front of the doors and got out of the car. I ran up the steps and opened the door to the Administration Office. An elderly lady snapped her head up at the chimes as they signaled a new visitor.

“Hello, how may I help you?” asked the elderly woman.

“Hi, I’m looking for my sister. The principal called me and told me she was here?” I say, more a question then a statement.

“Oh yes. They should be along any minute now.”

I hear some chatter come from around the corner of the room.

“Oh here they come now” she informed me.

I turned my head in time to see Bethany and a tall woman walking beside her.

“There she is now” I heard the tall lady say to Beth.

“Maddy!” Bethany squeals as she starts to run to me. She jumps and I catch her.

“Umph. Woah, hey there Tigger” I say with a big smile. I squeeze her and then finally put her down.

I look towards the tall figure assuming this is the principal.

“I’m Julie, Principal of Forest View Primary School.” She says offering me her hand.

“Hey, I’m Maddison, Bethany’s sister.” I say, accepting her hand.

“I know. I have heard a lot about you, Maddison. Bethany thinks very high of you. You must be a wonderful sister.” Julie admires me.

A blush appears on my cheeks at the praise. What does one say to that? I never thought of myself as a good sister. Just one that would do anything for family. “Umm thanks.” I mumble back. The principal just smiles to me. “Thank you for ringing me. I really appreciate it.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She responds in a polite manner. “Actually there is something I wish to talk with you about” she continues. I nod my head for her to go on. She pauses and looks at Beth and I get the hint.

“Hey, Beth do you want to go wait in the car? I want to talk to Mrs Valette for a second” I smile at my little sister who was holding onto my arm.


I watch as she exits the doors and jumps into my car. I turn back to the principal waiting for her to speak.

“I had a little chat with Bethany and gathered that not everything at home is okay. Would you care to elaborate?” Julie asked me with concerned eyes.

A frown immediately formed on my face. “I believe that is none of your concern. And isn’t that information just a little unprofessional? Trying to pry into the lives of your students?” I reply with a scowl. This woman has no right to pry into our personal lives.

Julie looks taken aback for a moment before she recomposed herself. “I am not trying to pry, I assure you. And in no way is it unprofessional, I am concerned for the welfare of one of the pupils at this school. I would do this for any other students in need of attention.”

“Bethany doesn’t need your attention, nor help. We are perfectly fine by ourselves.” I sneer as I start to head towards the door.

“I’m sorry Maddison if I have offended you in anyway. I just need to know that Bethany is in a safe and cared-for environment. I am extremely worried about her.” Before I can reply to that Julie continues. “Actually I would like to have a meeting with your father if that is okay with him, so I can discuss how Bethany is doing in class and evaluate, for myself, the situation at home.”

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