12. My Brother Wants Back In My Life? No Way.

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Hey Guys :)) Another chapterr :D & shout outs to those who got the song right in the previous chapter. It was Spongebob by the way, if anyone didn't get it :P haha.






danayx <3 ;)

Congrats guyss. What true Spongebob fans you are :P


I felt someone shaking me.

"Go away." I say in a groggy voice as I try to slap them away from me.

"Wake up Mads. You have to get ready for school." A voice told me.

"No. I'm sick. *cough cough*. You better step back or else you might catch it." I mumbled as I rolled over to get away from the person.

"Mads wake up or else you will regret it." The voice taunted.

I just ignored them as I started to drift back off into unconsciousness.


"Ahhhhhhhh," I screamed as I felt cold water being thrown on my head. I sat up straight away. Goosebumps immediately rose on my arm and body as the water came into contact with the cool morning air. "What the hell?!" I screamed at the person in question.

Hollen just looked at me and burst out, doubling in laughter. "Mads, you look like a drown cat."

"I'm gonna drown you in a minute!" I yelled as I started to get up out of the bed to get him. He saw what I was going and immediately ran out the door. Smart boy, I thought to myself. "Get back here you ass!"

I heard his laughter travel down from the hallway into the kitchen. I ran while shivers ran through my body from the cold air. I saw him standing behind the kitchen island. I came to a stop at one end  and as soon as he saw me he erupted in a fit of laughter.

"You ass! I'm freezing because of you," I said with chattering teeth.

"Well you should have woken up. I did say you would regret it. Did I not?" He teased me.

I just growled at him and started chasing him. He ran around the whole island while I was on his tail. Argh, I muttered to myself. Then a thought came to me. I chased him, knowing he wouldn't give up the safety of the island, and waited until he was between the island bench and the wall with the appliances. As soon as that happened, I knew I had him. I quickly jumped on the bench. He had no idea what I was doing and tried to scurry backwards but was trapped. I used this to my advantage and jumped off the island and tackled him to the ground.


I fell on him and proceeded to smother him in the wetness from my clothes.

"Aw, Maddy! Your wet! Get off me."

"No, really? Jeez I wonder why?" I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm as I nuzzled my wet face and hair on his bare chest and neck.

"Ahhh. Okay okay, I'm sorry. Get off me now."

I smiled up at him. "Your forgiven" I say with a cheeky smile.

"Evil little monster" I hear him mutter.

"You know it" I wink as I get off him and run to the bathroom to get a towel.

After drying myself as much as I could I wrapped it around myself because I had no spare clothes. 'Idiot didn't think about that, did he,' I muttered to myself.

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