3. My Brother Wants Back In My Life? No Way.

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As Bethany clung to Kane for dear life, I just stood at the door unmoving. He still looked the same as he did two years ago. Same green-hazel eyes as me and Beth, the same dark brown hair, but was now cropped shorter, but managing to curl at the ends. His facial structure was the same, prominent cheek bones and chiseled face, thick eyebrows and straight nose. Although he had bags under his eyes and looked like he hadn't slept in days.

I didn't know what to do. A part of me wanted to run into his arms and cry, other part want to scream, yell, hit, anything to him that would make him feel the same pain I did when he left.

I tried to say something, anything. It took me a few seconds to find my voice. And boy was it filled with rage.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?!" I yell at him with as much venom as I could.

He flinched at my tone but stood his ground.

"I came back. I want- no, I need to be back with my family." He said in a calm voice.

I looked at him as if he had grown two heads. Did he just expect that I would welcome him back with open arms? After he left without a trace for two years?! And I told him exactly that.

"Who the hell do you think you are huh?! You just decided to come back after abandoning our family two years ago, and just turn up on our door step thinking everything would be fine and dandy? You think you can just waltz back into our lives like nothing happened?!"

I was losing my temper and I was losing it fast.

He looked at loss for words, but gained his composure back.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to leave for that long! I was planning on coming back after a few days, but then I just lost track of time... And- and things just came up that I needed to do." He trailed off quietly.

"Where did you go?" I asked in a hard voice trying to rein in my anger.

He sighed and ran his hand, that wasn't holding Beth, through his brown curls. "I can explain. Just please, can we go inside?" he asked in a pleading tone. He tried to grab my hand but I slapped him away.

"Don't touch me." I said on the verge of tears. "Where. Did. You go?" I repeated again. I want answers, and I wanted them now. I had to ask them while I was still brave, but I knew if he kept stalling, I would have a mental breakdown.

"Come on please, lets just go inside and talk through this calmly."

"You had all the time in the world to talk about it. For TWO YEARS you had time to talk!" I screamed at him, trying to keep myself from crying in front of him.

"I said I was sorry!" he yelled in a frustrated voice.

"Sorry doesn't just magically make things right! Sorry doesn't take away the fact that you left! Sorry doesn't take away the pain! SORRY DOESN'T TAKE AWAY THE SCARS!" I screeched at him, leaving my voice hoarse and scratchy.

"Stop fighting! Please!" Bethany pleaded in a heartbreaking sob. We both looked up to her sad and worried face to find unshed tears forming.

It hurt me to know that I was causing her so much distress but I was so mad and livid at Kane that all my built up anger was coming out. So much was running through my head and I couldn't handle it. I just needed to get away. Away from everything, just for a little while or at least until I calmed down enough to be civil. But my emotions were running wild and taking over my better judgment. So I did the only thing I could think of.

I ran.

I ran from the source of my pain, who was chasing after me, telling me to stop, carrying my little sister who was crying out my name, telling me to come back.

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