Chapter 1

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Heaven. Quite a wonderful place. The land where the angels live in harmony.  Angels are known for their beauty and goodwill. Why wouldn't they live in luxury? Their pure white feathered wings that flap elegantly in the wind representing purity. Of course, their halos as well, yellow with a gold glow a perfect circle that hovers over their head. They're known for their beauty and good judgement of character. They live with no problems on the clouds not even needing shoes. But does that make them sin-free? For most people yes. For demons no. And for me... No, I don't think angels are sin-free. 

My names Dipper, One of the royal twins. Yin Yang that's what they call me and my sister. I'm Yin. The black side. They say this because I'm not like other angels and the fact I rule the night. Might add on to it...  It's quite true I'm not like the others so I don't mind. I have curly light brown locks of hair and pale skin I have dark brown eyes. The thing that separates me from the others is the fact that I don't have a yellow halo and white wings. No, my wings are pitch black with dark blue tips on the end. And my halo is black with a blue glow and white specks in it. 

Anyway like I said before I am the ruler of the night. Which is why I am being woke up by the royal maids right now. I sat up groggily rubbing my eyes only to dive back under the blanket. "Sire, is something the matter?" my maid asks at me confused. "The curtains," I say my voice muffled by the blanket. She makes an "oh" noise and closes the curtains. I come back up from under the blanket. "Sorry sir, I forgot the light hurts you" my maid apologizes lowering her head upset. "No, its fine," I say feeling sorry for the girl. She looks up again and nods her head "You better get ready sire." She said leaving my room hurriedly. 

I get up stretching my wings out and I head to my bathroom taking a quick shower not wanting to keep the sun up much longer. Once I finished with my shower I get my royal robes on. It's a black kimono with long black sleeves and a blue area on the waist. Witch looks good with my body. I'm quite curvy with dainty hands. The perfect figure because im thinn too if your a girl. But I'm not so a lot of people call me cute and try to take advantage of me. It's honestly sad. sigh and start walking to my doom but not before putting a blindfold on.

I get to the throne room were my normally hyper sister is. Just like always shes in a bad mood. I'm used to it now. She hates the fact that she has to put her sundown. And she's extremely tired from ruling over everyone. 

"Your late, she says angry

"Sorry I just woke up," I say stating the obvious 

 "It's bad enough I have to lower my sun earlier now but you could at least try to be on time!"

"Sorry..." I mumble I hate making my sister mad

She hpmhs and turns around and starts walking to the balcony I follow in pursuit behind her. She stops and raises her hand then lowers it talking the sundown with it. While I have both my hands out raising them raising the moon and stars and I then sit there moving the stars around deciding where to put them.

"Night" Mabel says walking off still in a mood.

{Half An Hour Later}

I sneak down to earth my wings and halo hidden with magic as I wear a black cloak around me covering my face and body while still showing off my curves. I sit by a lake staring at the sky reflecting in it pondering about why people never stay awake to see his beautiful night.  While I sit there thinking I hear a twig snap behind me and I stand up looking in the direction of the noise getting into a fight or flight position.

"C-Come out! I know your t-there!" I say bravely still stuttering

I then see a boy coming out from behind a tree making direct eye contact with me. I want to melt under his gaze but I stand my ground.

"W-who are you!. What business do you have here creature"

"I'm bill, and as if I'm going to tell you why I'm here" the mortal or should I say bill scoffed at me

"okay, I say then decide its best to be away from strangers even if they're mortal so I quickly add on "Well I'm going to go then" in the bravest none stuttery voice I could muster. Yet to my dismay he follows me.

"I didn't get your name, he says

I turn around and look at him stopping "Does it matter what my name is?" I ask

"Of course it is, a pretty face needs a pretty name~" he says with a smug look on his face

"That remark is not true, because I'm not pretty, I say blushing then a thought came over me so I voiced it "May I ask, why are you out at such a time?" 

"Just trying to get something off my mind"

"What's troubling you?" I ask I may as well try to help

"It's not like we will ever meet again so it's perfect to confess to a stranger, I say reassuringly

"I don't think I could really tell you" he replies

"That's fine, It was nice talking to you...Bill...but I must be off" I say sadly looking at my watch it's not every day I get to talk to people but Mabel

"Maybe you should watch the sunrise that's always nice it watch and can cheer people up, I say recommending some advice to him hoping to help him ease his mind.

"Thanks... It was nice talking to you as well~"

I smile as he leaves and starts to go my way to lower my night but freeze when I hear him say 

"Bye Dipper~"

I quickly turn around but he was gone. Strange I didn't tell him my name. And where did he go!? I look at my watch forgetting bill and shed my cloak and let my wings and halo out when I realise I'm late. I land on the balcony earning a glare from Mabel.

"Bro Bro! where have you been! your late people must be upset the suns not up yet!"

"S-Sorry I met this human in the woods" I stutter at least she's not mad anymore

"A mortal? Awake at this time, Curious anyway lets get started" She exclaims

Mabel raises the sun while I lower the moon and starts the light blinding my eyes so I hide them with my wings.

"I'm going to retreat to bed morning, sis" say happily wanting to sleep

"Morning Dipper, bye, she says

I get up and leave and stay behind the door knowing her she would talk to herself and I wanted to make sure she completely forgave me before I fell asleep. 

She sighs "It's so hard pretending to like him. he's so boring it's not like people enjoy darkness anyway" she mutters furiously and spreads her wings flying to the throne room.

I run to my room upset tears threatening to fall from my eyes. I forget to get changed and I get into my bed crying myself slowly to sleep. With a thought that made me happy on my mind. I hope to meet bill again...

And with that I was asleep 

Thanks if you actually read this terrible thing, It's based on a roleplay I do with my friend ill try to update often but knowing me it won't happen. It's quite fast-paced this story but I'm going to be turning all of our roleplays into books and most of them are slow-paced if you enjoy things like that!

I hope you enjoyed reading this

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