Chapter 12

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A/N sorry for any confusion caused, I uploaded chapter on Thursday by accident during school and unpublished it straight away afterwards. I didn't mean to confuse anyone and you have my sincere apologies.


Bills POV

I sat on my bed anxiously, My eyes aching from the bright lights. However, I know it is a significant part of our revenge. According to the angel spy down in the dungeons (yes we didn't kill him) the prince of angels is weak against extremely bright lights. Though it is a pain. I'm quite excited to meet another prince he's a year younger then me if these were different circumstances I would have tried to befriend him maybe we could talk and ya know understand each other due to having similar backgrounds.

That's when the big great dark oak door opened making an eerie creek in the otherwise deafening silence. Two of my best guards walked in there silver armour shining in the bright lights making the lighting situation somehow worst. The first guard in the front, Benjamin, I think yanked on some chain that was in his arms causing a young, skinny, frail boy to fall forward only to catch himself last minute. He was shaking I would say it was from the cold because all he was wearing was an oversized shirt. But this is hell when is it ever cold. The place is like a volcano.

He walked forward timidly following the guard keeping his head facing the warm wooden floor at all times. The guards sat him on a chair and kept him secure thereby tying the chain to the seat. It wasn't the comfiest but it doesn't need to be he's a prisoner, not a welcomed guest. As I looked at him I couldn't help but wish he was Flower. 

Like Flower, he had curly caramel hair. Pale skin like a vampire. He had a delicate small curvy figure. With a straight posture. My guards dressed him in a shirt. An old one of mine but its too big on him and when I say that I mean way to big for him. The hem of the shirt went down to his thighs while the sleeves reached to his hips. So he's definitely a shortie that's for sure.

I cleared my throat to get him to look up at me but he didn't even move. I raise an eyebrow but decide to move on. "hello, what's your name?" I asked, of course, I knew his name but I needed to see if that potion worked. But to the fact that he didn't answer, I know it didn't. That potion is meant to make anyone speak the truthful answer when asked a potion and make him a little hazy. Yet that didn't seem to be the case by how he sat up straight and refused to answer me. 

"It's rude not to answer someone when they're talking to you, ya know?" I say harshly quite annoyed and we've just started. Truth be told I hate being ignored I usually would end up fighting someone for ignoring me.

He makes a 'tsk' noise with his tongue and looks down further. I get agitated and stand up and strut over to him.  I tower over him. And extend my index finger. I place it under his small pale soft chin. I slowly raise his head up. He squints his eyes and keeps them closed. I take a minute to exam his face. 

He had soft pale ivory skin. A small button nose. A light pink blush dusted his nose and cheeks. As well as some small freckles if you weren't as close as I am currently am you would miss them as they dotted his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. Each one carefully placed. He had curly brown hair that looked so soft like a cloud. I next noticed his plump pink lips. He had long eyelashes witch fluttered ever so sightly, you wouldn't see it if not paying attention, As his eyes opened revealing soft hazel orbs that held the entire galaxy. That's when I've noticed I've seen these eyes before...


A/N sorry for the extremely late update. I've been incredibly sick and have only just found the reasoning witch is that I'm sadly now allergic to chocolate by body no longer likes it I guess. I'm currently writing chapter 13 (i was meant to post this on Friday and it was done for then I just fell asleep sorry) but it might take a while for that to come out cause were still waiting for the chocolate to come out of my system. Again I'm very sorry for the late update!

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