Chapter 9

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Pyronicas POV

I'm worried Bill, hasn't been acting like himself he's hardly sleeping and is barely home. And because of this our kingdom is dying. Demons are discussing a rebellion against Bill but luckily they decided not too. Demons are going poor there are huge stacks of complaint forms bill hasn't even bothered to look over. At least us maids and servants in the castle now have fewer tasks to do than normal.

I sigh. Standing up I go to Bill's private study. He hardly lets anyone in now more so then ever. I knock on the big oak door. "Bill?" I call out "Can I enter?". I'm met with silence so I push the door open. There sat prince Billiam Cipher. Bags under his dull yellow eyes that normally look like bright gold. He had tears on the brim of his eyes. and tear stains on his cheeks he looked a wreck. His blonde hair was all greasy and tangled while he was just wearing a crumpled hoodie that was nowhere close to his normal extravagant clothing. 

I wish I could cheer him up. So I did the only thing I could do. I hugged him. And that's when he did it he broke down in my arms choking on his own tears as he sobbed gasping for breath. I stood there the broken prince in my arms as I rubbed his back hushing him. 

*~*Time skip brought by time baby*~*

He soon fell asleep and called my boyfriend , and another friend of bills, 8ball. He was lean and muscular with a chocolate brown skin and an 8ball tattoo on his shoulder. He had dark fluorescent green eyes. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a green tie. Normal attire for any man or girl (who wanted to dress such a way) in the castle. with one gold earring in his right ear. 8ball picked him up and took him to his room. I followed after and tucked Bill in.

I smiled he hasn't had sleep in awhile so I should make sure no one disturbs him but just my luck two idiotic guards come rushing in yelling.

Bills POV

I wake up to yelling... when did I fall asleep. Though right now that's not what matters what matters is two of my palace guards are arguing with my best friend and maid about needing to talk to me. I sit up and clear my throat to make myself known. All heads snap to my direction. Pyro walks over and tells me how I need to sleep its unhealthy not to. I dismiss and silence her with a wave of my hand. I look to my guards and raise a delicate eyebrow. 

"you wish to talk with me?"

"ah! y-yes, your majesty, we have news on your father's revenge plan"

I gesture with my hand for them to carry on talking.

"Well, we did some investigating and tomorrow night the prince goes down to earth to help kids or something like that. He's always alone during this time and his guard will be down. It would be the perfect time to capture him. Yet there is a problem with that"

The other guard elaborates this issue "We demons are shut off from the portal to earth during that entire night the portal just isn't there"

I sit this and contemplate this. As much as I need to find Dipper I need my revenge for my father. Thinking things over I come up with the perfect plan.

"send a group up tonight and they will stay on earth during the next day and night and return once they capture the prince make sure to take a paralyzing bullet and shoot the prince so he can't walk as well as drug him with a sleeping drug. And a mind drug that will make it hard for him to think or do anything properly till I give the antidote." I think then add on "we will send a group of six to capture him while four others will prepare his cell make sure there's no inch of darkness in his cell for me and there's chains on his neck, arms and legs. Understand"

"Sir yes sir" they both repeat then leave to do my order while Pyronica looks at me and sighs

"I have a date ill see you later," she says and gets up and leaves but flashes a smile at me, which I gladly smile back at her and lie down to sleep.

A/N omg I have 2k reads I can't believe this thank you all for reading my work <3 ill try update a lot over the weekend saying I'm sick and have nothing else to do <3

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