Chapter 2

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Merry Christmas yall! Hope you're having a lovely holiday and you got what you want <3

{<With Billy>}

I ascend down to hell. My home to others it's not the best. Not many people imagine it to be the nicest place. And it's not. But, it's home sure theirs random pits of lava and quite a lot of remorse and misery down here but we all make due. I walk down the streets of the village outside the castle. Demons all alike wave and greet me as I head home. Because of how outcasted we all are its made us all grow closer together. 

As I walk up the grey stone stairs witch have some vines and cracks on them. I push open the large wooden doors to the castle to be greeted by my servant and best friend. Pyronica or Pyro for short.

"Welcome back young prince," she says bowing holding in a laugh 

"hey pyro" I chuckle we are not normally formal with each other but with my coronation coming up we have to be

"Just imagine soon ill be calling you king," she says 

"Ya, I'm not looking forward to that" I sigh sadly I don't want to be the king I'm not ready

"King Billiam Cipher," she says smiling "That sounds good"

"anyway the elders want you to start planning your coronation it's in ten days" 

"my birthday" I groan I want to prevent this as long as possible

"anyway....Where were you! do you know how hard it was to come up with a convincing lie for where you ran off too!?" she exclaims I made her worry to not just the elders.

"Sorry hehe... I was just torturing some humans~" I say awkwardly awaiting her reaction

"next time invite me will you!" she lightly punches my arm laughing 

"Don't worry I will its mot as fun without you!" I say happily that she's not mad 

"So anything else happens or just torturing humans if so meet any cute mortals you want to turn into a demon to be your queen. Saying your rejected all the demons here," she says smirking raising her eyebrow suggestingly 

She starts walking down the corridor of portraits of past rulers using her magic to dust things on the way as well as putting the pictures the right way up. As I follow in pursuit behind her.

"Thanks, pyro and yes actually I did meet a human. well they were wearing a mask so I couldn't see their face but they were interesting" I say smiling remembering the mortal I met last night interesting was an understatement

"do tell me more~ though you couldn't see what they looked like at all"  she says slightly disappointed

"No, I have no idea what they look like. But he was so secretive and he interested me"

"ooh! do you know his name and does he know you're a demon?" 

"His name is Dipper and no he thinks I'm human."

"Dipper....huh? his family must like the royal angels or be in debt to them and alright"

She stops in her tracks and opens a pair of rusted door witch lead down to the dungeons.

"there's an angel in there that helped with your father's demise. I thought you'd like to get revenge on him" she says looking down at the mention of my father.

"Oh thanks, do you want to help?" I ask not really wanting to be alone when facing someone who has to do with my father dying

"Sure the king was like a father to me..." she states feeling the same remorse I did... well not the same she didn't know him as well as I did.

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