Chapter 6

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Dippers POV

I blush and step back realising what I was doing. Geez, I should learn to be more careful. I smile up at bill once he said it was fine. I'm glad he wasn't creeped out or anything. I realise that they still think I'm mortal so I should probably act more like a mortal.

"if demons exist do angels?" I ask already knowing the answer but I may as well play it out I don't know if I can fully trust them. Bill rolls with eyes and answers "unfortunately" in an annoyed tone of voice.

"unfortunately?" I said tilting my head slightly to the left. 

"demons don't really like angels" bill elaborates witch Pyronica just nods in agreement to

"w-why," I say now curious to see what they think of my kind. Trust me I know what they have done to demons but I have to act as I don't. 

(A/N bad word coming up sorry)

"there dicks" Pryonica answers lazily like its obvious witch bill only agrees with. sayings a simple "yup!"

"o-oh there all boys?" I say I know that's not true but how can we all be dicks if were not boys?

"pff! don't take it literally any way they just killed someone close to use" she says looking at the floor

"who..?" I say softly a frown on my lips when did we kill someone?

bill looks down tears evident in his eyes "some of them killed my dad" 

I gasp using my hands to cover my mouth I go up and hug him gently rubbing his back "oh I'm so sorry" I say sadly. I could have stopped them... if only I knew

"it's fine it's not your fault" Bill says trying to smile at me but I could tell it was fake 

"who's fault is it?" I say gently as I carry on rubbing his back comfortingly

"the prince of angels" Pyronica says

"w-what" I say honestly confused

"they gave a spy poison " Pyronica says angrily

once bill regained his composure he hugged me closer to his chest and stood up straight. "well pyro the spy said they stole the poison so we don't know for sure if that's true" he says a matter of fact. and wait... someone stole poison for my room! how dare they but still pushing that anger aside I don't know why but I feel really happy that bill stuck up for me. To hide my smile from them I nuzzled my face into bills chest now blushing. but I don't want to come off as insensitive.

"true" Pyronica mutters 

"you guys know not all angels are bad right," I say once I stop smiling and pull away from bills chest I don't want my new friends to hate me for being an angel

"yeah right" pyro exclaims loudly

"I'm s-sure there are good ones," I say

"like who?!" pyro shots back almost instantly after I said that

"Uhm... the prince" 

"oh really?"

"y-yeah you said the spy stole the poison why would they do that if the prince wanted bills dad dead he would have just gave it over," I say. Nice save me

"still doubt it though" pyro says

"Yeah I agree with pyro till I actually meet the prince" bill says agreeing

I realise that if they think it was the prince they might take action so just to make sure I ask "what are you going to do for revenge" 

"kidnap there prince. he's apparently easier to capture then the princess right bill" pyro says witch bill just nods. 

I start to shake as I let go of bill making him frown but I didn't care I needed to get away. I start slowly backing up to my bag picking it up and I turn around. "I'm g-going to g-go"

"why?" pyro says 

"N-no reason... m-maybe we should m-meet up anymore i-im better a-alone," I say turning around to face them with a fake smile

"huh? w-why not" bill frowns obviously upset

"just c-cause" I turn on my heel facing the way to the village "b-bye" 

"bye dip" bill says sadly. once he said that I started to run away to the village once I was far enough away from their sites I took a turn and came across a clearing with a pond that was starting to freeze over on the edges. 

I sat down and tucked my knees up to my chest resting my arms around them as I cried. "w-why can I n-never make f-friends" I sniffle still crying looking up to my night sky.

A/N sorry it's so short ill try write it longer next time xx


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