Chapter 5

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Spyro's pov

"And this is my room. Feel free to make yourself comfortable" I explained, pushing the door to my room open.
"What do you mean? This is your room" Neve pointed out, tilting her head with confusion.
"Well... I just thought we could share my room since you'll be staying here" I mumbled, clicking my claws together. She looked at me with surprise.
"You don't need to. It's fine if you aren't prepared for that" I assured, shaking my claws in front of me.
"That's fine. I don't mind" Neve agreed, smiling slightly. I smiled in return.
"Oh. Do you like my room?" I asked, jumping onto my bed and leaning over the side.
"It's nice. A lot different from my home. Is this how everyone stays?" she asked.
"You really haven't been anywhere but that cave have you?" I asked.
"Can't fly. I've only ever seen one other living creature before today. She brought me stuff to eat and wood so I wouldn't be in the dark but that's about it. I didn't even know her name" Neve explained.
"Why are you afraid of the dark anyway?" I asked, slipping out of the bed and sitting next to her.
"It's hard to explain. It's just....... I...... I don't know to explain exactly how I feel but it's unsettling. Like something can jump out at me at any second. I dunno. I'm not good at explaining how I feel" she admitted, pulling her tail close.
"Can you sleep in the dark?" I asked, tilting my head. She shook hers.
"I'm too unsettled" she added, head tilting down as if the floorboard were a masterpiece that required thorough investigation.
"Well then. We'll just leave a light on. That will help right?" I asked.
"But then you can't sleep" she objected. I looked around and found a lamp which was meant to hold a candle. I grabbed that and rummaged through some stuff to find a candle. I found one that had not been used and put it in the lantern, lighting it with my fire breath.
"There. That should work" I suggested. Neve's eyes lit up and she looked at the lantern and then me.
"How did you do that?" she asked.
"Fire breath. All dragons have some kind of breath attack. We are of the magic element so we can use any element we want but I prefer to Master fire." Any element?" she asked.
"Yeah. Who knows. Maybe you can master a different element or the same one as me" I explained. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at me.
"That sounds awesome. I want to Master an element" she explained happily.
"We can go over the elements tomorrow. Right now, I'm hungry. It's been a long day" I explained. Neve nodded, her entire expression not faltering. I smiled and headed down to the kitchen, Neve following. This was great.


Quick psa.

The part where Spyro says that he could control any element but chooses to harness fire came from the skylanders(video game) article on Spyro.

I decided to put that in as an idea that I can go with.

That's all

A dragon has abilities(Spyro x oc) rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now