Part 2

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In the tall room with azure walls, dotted with glowing starry patterns across the ceiling and walls, Holly sat in a little wooden chair beside Luna's bed. Luna was curled up under a thick navy-blue comforter with gold half-moons printed on them. In her arms, she held a plush silver star with glassy blue eyes and a happy smile tightly as she slept contently.

Holly watched as Luna's shoulders rose and fell softly. Surely, she was having some sweet dreams of the high seas and clams filled with pearls as big as the moon.

When Holly was sure that Luna was safe and tucked in for the night, she stood and weaved her way through the mer plush dolls, figures of male and female Roman warriors lined up to battle each other, and several crayons scattered across the white carpet with blank scrolls stained with smudged blue and orange color.

Holly reached the door frame of Luna's room before snapping her fingers. The golden stars dimmed into a soft gentle silver. Not so bright that it would keep anyone awake, but bright enough that it would ward away the monster under the bed, "Davy Jones" as Luna would call him.

As the goddess closed the white door softly, a sharp feeling of danger shot through her head. Holly let out a gasp and clenched the brass doorknob to ward away the warning in her mind.

Holly lost her breath, the very hair on her skin rose as her blood ran colder than ice.

Her chest felt as though a large slab of marble had been placed on her chest. Squeezing the air out of her lungs and making a sharp pain ring through her heart. Holly clutched her chest and fell to her knees, droplets dripping down onto the brown wood floor.

"No...No no no..."

Holly sucked in a breath and grasped the ivory walls to regain her footing. Her ribs pulsed with the crushing pain, and her chest could barely rise nor fall with such weight upon it.

But Holly knew this pain, it was by no means new.

"The garden..." was all what escaped her mouth.

With her body trembling in pain, she managed to snap her fingers, fading away into an emerald light and leaving behind one single glossy holly leaf on the floor.

Tales of Merlia: The Tale of Holly DayWhere stories live. Discover now