Seven Minutes in Heaven

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I was bored don't judge me

"Edd! Let me out!" Tom screamed. Tom banged on the closet door, yelling. Tord sighed, rolling his eyes. Why were they in a closet exactly? Simple, they were playing truth and dare, y'know the usual, until Edd had dared the two to play Seven Minutes in Heaven. Tord honestly didn't care, he would do whatever with Tom anyways. Tom on the other hand was freaking out.

"Edd! Please! Come on!" He yelled, banging on the door. But no one was there. Tom slid down the wall, "oh nooooo" he mumbled. Tord sighed, "are you done banging on the door now?" He asked, wanting to get this over with. Tom grumbled, crossing his arms. "Get up Tom," Tord said.

Tom stayed on the floor, "no!" He growled. Tord sighed again, "Tom, get up," he said again. Tom shook his head. Tord shrugged, "welp, you have no choice anyways. The sooner we start, the sooner you'll like it." Tord grabbed Tom's wrists and pulled him up, making Tom yelp. He pushed Tom against the wall and pinned him.

Tom squirmed, "don't push me so hard!" He sassed. Tord huffed, "goodness, do you ever shut up?" Tord asked, "Just be a quiet submissive, will you?" Tord began nipping Tom's neck a bit. "Hey! I can be a very seductive submissive thank you very much!" He growled, letting Tord bite his neck.

Tord had enough of Tom talking so he took matters into his own hands, "then prove it before I show you how aggressive I can be with you, and you won't like it, believe me," he snarled next to Tom's ear. His hot breath sent shivers down Tom's spine, making Tom gasp lightly. Tom only nodded, trembling a bit.

Tord began biting Tom's neck, this time a bit harder. Tom whined a bit, liking the feeling of it. Tom wanted more, "give me hickeys," he managed to moan out. Tord nodded, beginning to suck at the places he bit to leave hickeys. This made Tom pant heavily. "Nnnngh~" Tom moaned, wanting to try and see if he could at least make Tord hard.

Tom began moaning a bit, wrapping his arms around Tord's neck. He had given Tom multiple hickeys all over his neck. Tord loved how small and weak Tom looked below him, trembling and panting. Tord found Tom's sweet spot and began biting it. Tom jumped, moaning quietly. Tord began sucking the spot, "T-Tord, ngh f-fuck," Tom whispered.

Tom rolled his hips against Tord's, sending a wave of heat down to Tord's lower region. Tord gasped lightly, biting his lip. Tom rolled his hips again, this time a bit rougher. Tord let out a small moan, closing his eyes. How badly Tord wanted to pin Tom against a bed and really just do all dirty things with him, but seven minutes was almost over.

Tord connected their lips, pushing his tongue into Tom's mouth. Tom enjoyed the moment, letting Tord claim everything in his mouth. They both separated for air, gasping lightly. Tord gave Tom multiple small kisses, kissing the hickeys too.

"How much time do we have?" Tom asked, exposing his neck more. Tord moved away from Tom's neck, "seven minutes were suppose to be up, but knowing Edd, he probably gave us more time," he answered. Tom sighed, "good, I like this~" he moaned as Tord pushed Tom's hoodie down a bit to expose his collar bone.

Now that Tom thought about it, Tord was the only one giving Tom pleasure. The only pleasure Tord experienced was Tom rolling his hips, and that only made Tord moan once. Tom should really repay him.

With his remaining strength, Tom pushed Tord to the floor, making him sit down. The closet was quite spacious, so they could easily "do it" in there if they wanted to. ;))))

Tord grabbed Tom's hips, "what are you-" Tord gasped lightly as Tom began biting Tord's neck. Tom could really give nice hickeys, Tord of course knew because Tom gave him one before. They were like friends with benefits. They just never had sex yet.

Tom started working on a hickey, making Tord pant and let small moans out. Tord's breath hitched once he noticed that Tom was rocking his hips. Tord let his head rest on the wall, holding back moans of pleasure as Tom rocked his hips. "G-God dammit Tom," he growled.

Tord could feel his area tighten, "f-faen!" He moaned as Tom rolled his hips now, making the pleasure more intense. Tord was panting heavily, hearing Tom's innocent whimpers. Tom rolled his hips again, this time lighter and gently. This made Tord stop panting heavily, but he was still hard. He couldn't take it anymore, Tom's small moans, the way his hips rubbed against Tord, he was basically asking for a fucking.

There was a small desk in the closet (they are in a storage closet) that he could place Tom on. Tord grabbed Tom's wrist and stood up, laying Tom down onto the desk. Tom wiggled around, confused by what was going on. It was dark in the closet after all. Tord pinned Tom down to the desk, deepening the kiss they were sharing.

Tord moved his hands to Tom's hips, biting Tom's color bone. Tom pushed his hips back, feeling the boner in Tord's pants. Tord let out a stifled growl, getting closer to Tom's pants. He was about to take them off until-

"Times up! What were you guys doing? We heard lots of moan-" Tom quickly sat up, turning bright red. Tord stood straight up, blushing, "E-EDD!" He yelled, moving away from the desk Tom was sitting on. Tom covered his red face, embarrassed. Just as they were getting to the good part.

Edd stood there, a faint blush over his cheeks as he laughed. "Oh sorry! Haha! Do you guys need more time?" He laughed. Tord growled loudly, "I was about to fuck Thomas if only you didn't come in!" He blurted out. Tom got off the desk and shushed Tord. "Tord it's fine we can do it another time," he mumbled, a bit embarrassed. Tord only huffed loudly.

Edd walked up to Tom, "dude, he left you a lot of marks, just look at your neck, it's covered!" Edd exclaimed. Tord looked over to Tom, it was dark in the closet so he didn't get to see how many marks he left. He was speechless. Tom's had around eight on his neck and possibly more on his color bone.

Tom put his hand on his neck, laughing. "O-oh! It's fine, they felt nice anyways!" He mumbled. Edd looked at Tord's neck, "you also have some, but like five," he snickered. Tord rolled his eyes, still pissed Edd had entered. "How much time did you give us anyways?" He mumbled. "I gave you guys like fifth-teen. I was going to do twenty, but with those extra minutes I'm sure you would be deep inside of Tom~" Edd sneered.

Tord just growled lowly, his eyes flicking red. Tom just wrapped his arms around Tord, "don't be so mad Tord, I'm still free just for you~" he seduced. Tord just shrugged Tom off, "well now I'm not in the mood," he growled. Tord just laughed, "your such a grouch!"

I'm posting old stories and finishing them up

Y'all want a part two of this? I have just been in the mood to be writing some good ol smut instead of that sexual teasing stuff lmao

I hope you guys like it, now I gotta hurry cuz my friend be picking me up in a bit


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