🛍 Shopping 🛍

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-very involved and wants to be there

-constantly looking for possibilities

- "bill, come on. Im gonna go change, i need your opinion"

- "one second, babe. I'm going to see if they have this skirt in your size"

-gushes over you in every single outfit you try

- "you're s-s-so beautiful, get that one"

-gets irritated when other girls try to talk to him

- "im busy p-picking clothes for m-my girlfriend, please l-leave me a-alone"

-you're so happy to have him there with you

-he enjoys it more than you

- "bill, im bored and have a few new outfits. Lets go"

- "wait! Just o-one more, please?"

-takes you out to ice cream after


-very involved and doesn't want to be there

-he hates shopping

-but he knows you love it so he supports you

-gives his honest opinion on everything you try on

-loves seeing you so happy

-he's either smiling or looking at clothing seriously

-ends up buying something for himself

- "babe, try this one on, it matches your eyes"

-really, really wants to leave

-but doesn't let you know that


-not very involved and doesn't want to be there

- "this is boring"

- "richie, give me ten more minutes of silence, please"

-rolls eyes

-makes jokes about the clothing you choose

-not about how you look in it, but about the clothing itself

-every now and then compliments you though

-basically that annoying three year old in the store who screams because they want to go home

-kisses your neck when you're trying to pick between two shirts

- "which one should i get?"

- "you'd look better with no shirt"

- "shut up richie im getting this one"

-you keep having to push him away because the PDA level is too much for Kohls/ Target/ where ever you are


-not very involved and wants to be there

-eddie does his best to help

-he wants to be suppotive of you and loves seeing you happy when trying on different clothes, but he's always confused

- "y/n, whats this?"

- "its a shirt eddie"

- "but it barely covers anything!"

-you pick up the shirt, about to try it on

- "uh uh"

-takes that fabric away from you and YEETS it

- "it wasn't appropriate!"

-you eventually tell him to go sit down and let you shop on your own

-so he does

-he gives you his opinion on your outfits when you're trying them on

-usually doesn't say a ton while you're picking clothes out anymore because he knows he doesn't know what he's talking about but talks so much when you're changing and he's on the other side of the stall

-talks about anything and everything while you get changed, making you laugh

-loves shopping with you

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