Epilogue - Six weeks later

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Andrew seemed to have put his traumatic ordeal behind him now, certainly much more easily than his parents had.

He'd been back at school for six weeks. It was now early November, and he was all settled back in. He'd been the centre of attention at school for a little while after he went back, not so much with the kids but with the parents in the playground, and Jenny found that she'd had the same treatment, being stared at, probably talked about quite a lot.

Of course it was common knowledge that a teaching assistant had taken Andrew. Most of the parents had been horrified, thinking it could have as easily been their child that was taken. Of course that wasn't the case, but they weren't to know that. There were some parents however who looked at her suspiciously, as though wondering what mess she had got herself, and her son, into. But the kids and teachers were fine with him, and he was quite happy now.

Jenny had been back to the hospital for tests. They'd so far proved inconclusive, but the doctors had said it was likely that the stabbing had weakened her womb to the extent that it was unlikely she could carry a baby to full term. Patrick was devastated. Jenny was philosophical about it. Andrew was her priority now.

It was half past seven on a Monday night, and Jenny was curled up next to her son, watching him sleep. She'd been in his bedroom with him for over an hour, talking and telling stories and cuddling him. He was so precious. She couldn't bear the thought of anything else unsettling him or turning his little life around. Not right now.

She picked up her phone, which was on the side of Andrew's bed, and sent a message. "ANDREW IS ASLEEP XXX"

She took her phone through to her bedroom, and drew the curtains. Turning on the landing light as she passed, she returned to Andrew's room, watching him quietly for a few more minutes from the doorway. His little glasses were on the bedside cabinet, and his first school library books were dotted around at the bottom of his bed. He looked peaceful and contented.

She heard the front door open and close, followed by footsteps coming upstairs. Shortly afterwards, Andrew's father put his arms around her waist and kissed her gently on the cheek.

"He looks so sweet when he's asleep," he commented.

"He looks just like you do," Jenny sighed as she turned to look at Paul.

He looked down at her. "It's so good to see you."

"Oh, you too, P. How long have we got?"

"I'm on a late tomorrow, so I don't have to leave until morning," Paul said, touching her face gently. "But I will need to be gone before Andrew wakes up. You know that. He can't see me here."

Jenny nodded. "Can you come back again before Friday? Patrick won't be back until then."

"I will try," Paul smiled. "Wednesday night might work. Anyway, I've only just arrived and you're already arranging my next visit.."

Jenny took him by the hand and they left Andrew's room, closing the door quietly. They stood by the bedroom door.

"I've not got.. well, I didn't think I should get you a birthday card, or a present, for Saturday," he said. "I didn't think Patrick would like it if he found it. So I just want to say, in person, that I hope you have a lovely day."

Jenny beamed at his courteousness. "Thank you. Would be lovelier if I could spend it with you."

"I know," he said, playing with her black curly hair to the side of her face.

"You know I can't live without you," she said softly. "I did it for long enough. I can't let you go again. But this is the only way we can be together now. Stolen nights, when Patrick goes away."

Paul nodded. "And that's my own fault. And I totally understand that this is how it has to be. But I choose this over going back to a life without you in it, Jen."

Jenny tried to stop the tears that were coming, but she couldn't, and what did it matter, Paul was here. He touched her face again, tracing a tear down her cheek as she sobbed.

"I made a mistake," he said. "I thought that by leaving you I would stop hurting you. I didn't, did I?"

Jenny shook her head. "I don't know where this is going to go, P. You know I don't want to break my family apart. I can't destroy two innocent lives just to make mine easier. But I need you."

"As long as I live, if you need me, I'll be here for you," Paul promised. "I love you."

With that, Jenny moved forwards to kiss him, softly at first, and then more urgently. He wrapped his arms around her neck, moving his hands to her shoulders and making her tingle all over. She threw her head back and he kissed her neck. She sighed. "I love you too."

She gazed at him, his brilliant smile, his enchanting eyes. He was really here, and still every bit as good as the memories she'd treasured. She took him by the hand again and led him into her bedroom, and once they were both in the room she closed the door gently.

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