Chapter 4: Daily Life in the inn? What goes on with our heroes' daily lives?

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Shindou: What does go on in there?
Niko: Stuff
Shindou: What kind of 'Stuff'?
Niko: just stuff.
Shindou: Like..?
Niko: training.

It was a frosty winter evening and our heroes are sitting in front of the fireplace trying to get warm

"It's so cold!~" complained Elli. "It's not that cold Elli." Onix said annoyed. "YOU ARE LITERALLY WHITER THAN SNOW ONIX!" She shouted. "Can you two please be quiet!? She's trying to sleep!" Flower whispered pointing at a shivering, sleeping Niko. Onix scoffed and Elli nodded. "Sorry Flower." Elli apologized. Flower smiled as she placed a blanket over Niko. "It's fine.." Flower whispered smiling. "Just please keep it down, she was up all night practicing her Spirit abilities." Onix looked confused but nodded at Flower's explanation. "I've never heard of that job" Elli said. "She said someone called Shindou let her have it" Flower explained.

'Hey hey hey!! That's not why we're here!! Anyways here's what REALLY happens •w•'

The Day Before.

Niko was out and about practicing her spirit flame. "Ok Niko, just recite these words; 'Noctu Orfei Aude Fraetor' and it should work" Irene explained. "Right!" Niko replied taking a deep breath. "Noctu.... Orfei.... Aude... FRAETOR!!!!" Irene's reflection in the pendant smiled as a large indigo flame appeared on Niko's palm. "Very Good" Irene smiled, "Soon enough, you'll be able to use other spells too!" Niko's eyes lit up, she's moving up in the world! "U-um.. Irene, Shindou said something about my level... what does that mean?" Niko asked as she extinguished the flame. "Well... right now you're level 5 from your Monster battles, The higher level you get, the more jobs you can unlock. When we get to Neksdor, Shindou will explain the rest to you." Irene replied. "What about the others? What level are they?" Just as Niko was saying this, Flower and Onix just happened to pass by. "Flower who is she talking to?" Onix asked. "She's speaking to Irene about her Spirit abilities I think..." Flower replied as they peaked their heads around the corner to listen in. "Well my child, Flower is level 10, Elli is level 9 and Onix is level 13." Irene explained. "Wow... They're strong..." Niko said in awe. "Well, the more monsters you fight, the more XP you earn and the higher your level will go, sometimes you get bonus XP too. You can also get XP from Chests and the Roulette wheel in the rec room." "Cool...!" Niko smiled. "Niko? What's going on?" Onix asked walking up to her. "Oh! Evening! I'm not doing much!!" Niko smiled. "Hmm? So you're Onix then.." Irene said. "GAH! WHAT THE HELL!? THAT THING CAN TALK!?!?!" Onix shouted falling backwards. "Of course I can talk! I may be in the pendant but I still have a life, and a voice! And I'll have you know I just so happen to be the deity and goddess of the Getsumen (Lunar) Shrine!" Irene said angrily. "O-Onix please don't upset her grace..." Niko pleaded. "Her Grace?" Onix asked confused. "Her Grace is what someone calls a person they have great respect for." Flower explained looking at the pendant. "You want to head to Neksdor.. right? It's just beyond Greenhorne castle." Niko smiled brightly as she accidentally recited her spell. "Noctu, Orfei, Aude, FREATOR!!!" She said smiling as the indigo flame appeared again. "WILL-O-WISPS! Ike!!(Go!!)" She shouted as the flames floated away. "What in the name of-" Onix said in amazement. "O-oh u-umm..." Niko said as the flames returned. "Special technique.... Turn and Bolt." She quickly turned around and ran as fast as she could back to her room. "HEY!!" Onix shouted going after her. "*sigh* Do they ever stop..?" Flower laughed.

Meanwhile with Elli.

Elli was in Greenhorne town collecting ingredients for dinner, as per usual. "Ohayo Granny Smith!" Elli smiled. "Good Morning deary! Out on an errand?" Granny Smith replied smiling. "Yup! Flower asked me to come to the market and get some ingredients for dinner tonight!" Elli replied waving goodbye. "Hakami~Senpai!! Ohayo!" Elli called. "Hmm? Oh good morning Elli!" Hakami smiled. "What kind of veggies do you have today Haka~Senpai?" Elli asked. "Um... Cabbage, lettuce, carrot, peas, and some fruits like lemons, apples, oranges and bananas. Would you like some?" Hakami asked. "Of course! I'll take some bananas, lettuce and carrots!" Elli replied. "Alright. Here ya go." Hakami said handing Elli the groceries. "Thank you!" Elli smiled walking away with the bag of fruits and veggies. "What's next...Ah! That's right I was supposed to get glass bottles the Onix ordered for his experiments!" Elli smiled walking towards the carpenters store. "ICHI? LAYLA? ANYONE HOME? I'M HERE TO COLLECT THE ORDER ONIX MADE!!" She called. "THE PACKAGE IS ON THE TABLE ELLI!" Layla called. "OK!! THANK YOU!" Elli carefully picked up the box and began carrying it back to the inn. "FLOWER!!! IM HOME! AND I HAVE THE STUFF!" Elli shouted. "OK! THANKS ELLI!" Flower replied. "AND I HAVE YOUR BOTTLES ONIX!!" "RIGHT! THANKS!" Onix shouted. Elli walked into the kitchen and began laying food out on the kitchen counter. "time to get cookin'!" She smiled.

A Short While Later.

"Minna! Dinner is ready!" Elli called. "What kind of food?" Flower asked sitting down. "Vegetable curry!" Elli smiled. "Wait where's Niko?" Elli asked looking around the room. "Probably still in her room." Onix replied. "Really? Ok! I'll go get her!!" Elli smiled running towards Niko's room. "NIKO? CAN I COME IN??" She called. "Go ahead." Niko replied. "Why don't you join us for dinner?" Elli asked sitting next to Niko. "I'm not hungr-" Just when Niko said that her stomach growled. "Not hungry eh?" Elli said smiling mischievously. "Ehehe.. Sorry" Niko laughed. "It's fine! Just cmon! You NEED some of Elli's famous Vegetable curry!" She said grabbing Niko's hand. "Elli let go!" Niko laughed as Elli dragged her to the kitchen. "I Got her!!" Elli grinned "Good for you. Now can I eat please?!" Onix said impatiently. "Oh don't be so strict! But yes. You can eat now." Elli replied pouring out curry for everyone. "Thank you for the meal!" They all said in unison. "*nom nom* Hey Elli, this is really good!" Niko smiled eating the curry. "Of course it's good! Elli made it!" Flower smiled. "Hehe! Thanks Flower." Elli laughed. And with that. The four of them laughed and talked all through-out the night.

Shindou: So that's what happens?

Niko: Yep!

Shindou: that's a lot of 'stuff'.

Niko: hehe.

Tsurugi: When can we meet Elli, Flower and Onix?

Niko: Well....

Elli: NIKO~CHAN!! Evenin'!

Shindou: Eh?

Elli: So you're the person she was talking about...

Shindou: What?

Onix: ....She said someone called 'Shindou' gave her the spirit ability... but maybe it was somebody else...

Flower: that doesn't matter. It's just nice to meet Nikos' other friends.

Tenma: So you people are Flower, Elli and Onix then?

Elli: Correct! and you are.... Matsukaze Tenma.. am I right?

Tenma: Yep!

Tsurugi: .............

Onix: ................

Niko and Flower: they're so alike.

Niko: JINX!

Flower: JINX!!

Shindou: you both are alike too.

Elli: Hey Hey! Tenma~Kun! I heard you play soccer! How about a 1v1 to see who can get the first goal?

Tenma: Sounds great! Alright! you're on!

Elli: Yay!!

Tsurugi: Of course he agreed. It's soccer.

Onix: So he's a soccer freak too?

Niko: Yep.

Elli and Tenma: SAKKA YAROZE!!

Tsurugi: Oh god...

Onix: *Sweat drop.*

Endou: Can I join?

Elli: *le gasp* So you're the famous Endou Mamoru of Inazuma Japan!? OF COURSE YOU CAN PLAY! IT WOULD BE AN HONOR!!!

Tenma: Yea! Cmon Coach Endou! Let's play soccer!!!

The three of them: SAKKA YAROZE!!

Tsurugi, Onix and Shindou: Soccer freaks...

Niko: U-um.. G-goodbye everyone! Stay Fresh!!

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