Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I stand up and clink my plastic cup of apple cider with my fork, trying and failing to get everyone's attention. It was our last BOB meeting of the semester and we were exchanging our Wiley Wisemen gifts today. After a few seconds, everyone notices me and simmers down.

"I just wanted to say thank you for all of your hard work this semester. I'm so proud of all of us for meeting our goal of making it to nationals." I pause for applause. " Don't get too excited because when we get back we have a lot of work to do. But today, we celebrate. Let the gift giving commence!" I say while dramatically lifting my glass. Lamar starts by giving Julie a copy of The Poisoned City, a nonfiction book about the Flint water crisis.

"These are the kinds of books that you'll hopefully be writing. I hope you love it." He says as she unwraps the book. Julie gives Lamar a hug. Julie gives the next gift to me.

"Wait, how did you keep this a secret?" I say pleasantly surprised.

I open the box and it's the first Harry Potter book.

"Now you'll understand all my references." She says excited. I laugh and hug her.

I give Dylan the science-fiction book from Turn the Page and he's really happy.

" Thanks Alisha!" he says as we do our handshake. Our gift exchange continues for a bit. We all pitched in and got Ms. Johnson a 1st edition copy of Beloved by Toni Morrison. Everyone laughs and marvels at their new books. I'm sitting reading the first page of Harry Potter, when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

" Can I steal you for a minute?" Isaiah says, with his hands behind his back.

" Have you been watching the Bachelor?" I joke.

"Yea, I have actually." We laugh as we walk to a table a little away from the group. Isaiah sets a small wrapped box on the table with a shy grin. "Since your first gift to me was a bracelet that I treasure and wear everyday... I thought I'd return the favor." He pushes the box over to me. I open it as Isaiah looks on eagerly. It's a delicate, silver, bangle with a small heart engraved in the center. It's perfect.

"I love it." I slide it on and reach into my bag.

"I have something for you too." I push the gift bag towards him. He smiles as he pulls out the framed picture of us in front of the bonfire.

"Aw, I love this picture of us. Thanks..." He starts to pull me in for a hug.

"Wait! There's more inside the bag. Did you really think I just got you a picture frame?!" He laughs and reaches back into the bag.

"Alisha, you didn't!" He yells as he pulls out two tickets to next years New England Revolution game.

"I did!" I reply gleefully.

"How?!" he asks. I explain to him how my uncle works for the stadium that they're playing at and I asked if he could get me discounted tickets.

"-and don't think the other ticket is for me. I was thinking it could be for your brother or Lamar."

"This is honestly one of the best gifts I've ever gotten." He pulls me into a hug. "You're seriously the best."

"I know." I say.

* * * *

"Are you sure I look okay, like this isn't too dressed down?" I ask for the fourteenth time as we walk up his front porch. Ever since Isaiah told me that his parents wanted me to come to their annual New Year's party, I'd been stressing about every detail. Do I accept a drink if they offer it? Should Isaiah and I share a New Years kiss in front of his parents? What should I wear? For my outfit, I decided to play it safe with a semi-form fitting black sweater dress with flowy sleeves. But as far as the other questions, I was just gonna follow his lead. Isaiah tucks one of the tendrils of hair I left out of my bun behind my ear.

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