Chapter Four

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Zavah's Point Of View

"Babe, hold up!” shouted Curtis as I walked away with my friends. Okay, time to run my brain told me but my dumb ass body could obviously not keep up with the instructions. What was that we learned in science again about reflex actions well mine seems a  bit slow. By now the reflex of running away from Curtis should be automatic almost as automatic as it is to eat. I looked left and right and I was about to run away when I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist. The hands lifted me up and I felt a kiss on my cheek.

Woohoo!” I could hear Ana shouting like it was a football game and laughing with Rosalia (Another friend of mine) as the dickhead know as Curtis put me down. I swear to god when us two are out of sight I am going to murder him and make it look like a accident! With all the CSI Miami I have been watching it would be a disappointment not to be able to do just that. 

He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the canteen and I mean literally dragged me in the most uncaring and ungentle manner on earth which once again reminded me why I don't have a boyfriend- Wait, shit- Let me rephrase that- Why I didn't have a boyfriend until Curtis Anthony freaking rudely blackmailed me into it a relationship. He sat on the chair and patted the chair next to him looking at me and smiling rather charmingly I have to admit. What happened to the manner-less beast that had dragged me into the canteen? God knows. He seems more bipolar than Krystal on her time of the month. And that is unbelievably bipolar. 

I made sure only he could see as I rolled my eyes. That was going to be my special gesture just for him, a motherfudging eye roll that makes him realise I want to castrate him. 

I sat next to him. The rumour that me and Curtis Anthony had tied the bow (I think that is the saying) was soon spread around the school. And my girls, well they were planning my wedding though they blatantly know he is and always will be a major player who I by the way have no attachment to whatsoever. None at all.
  My friends who were mainly consisted of the cheerleader but I associated myself with others too and Curtis's friend the jock team of whatever you want to call them soon took a place at the dinner table. Since Curtis had made a special seat right next to him, I obviously being the forced girlfriend I am just couldn't decline. Sense the heavy load of sarcasm. Curtis was clearly touching up my leg underneath the table and that was with no bad intentions the only reason he had called me to sit next to him. I need a major cleansing bath tonight, I have way too many STD and the guy who touched me against my will has touched too many whores germs, the second germ obviously being a new one that seems to be trending.

I stomped on his feet, hard whilst obviously keeping my facial expression neutral and innocent as I so called engaged myself in staring at my oh so fascinating nails. 

“What was that for?” he growled lowly for only my ears to hear. I carelessly shrug my shoulder as if to say that I was innocent of whatever crime he was accusing me of.

“For daring to touch me up.” I hissed back lowly as I realsied he wasn't going to give up without me giving him a reason of stomping on his feet. If he makes a habit of touching I'm going to make a habit of hurting him in more than one way. My friends as much as his, mistook our violent and dead threatful conversation as some sort of romantic one, what are they stuck in, a 1980's sob love story? I will never and I promise you never, ever, and I mean ever, times a billion never have a romantic conversation with Curtis without either being bribed with food or being paid a ton of money. Yea, I'm quite cheap when it comes to food. It's a life essential I hope to marry one day if the court legally allows it and if not, then I'll have to be a crimnial I guess. Love can make us do things we normally wouldn't-

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