Fly Away Now

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"New Message Received... From Dragon-Queer.", I sat up in bed and yawned grabbing my HDS.

'Will my hero come rescue me from the damp sidewalk?', the message read.

"Renee", I moaned and got out of bed.

Henrietta knocked on my door, "Would you like me to activate the holo maids Lady Cassandra?", she asked.

"No I can get dressed my- ugh!", I tripped over my steps from my bed and hit the floor face first with a thud. "Shiiiiiit...ssss...ow.", I held my aching forehead. I had just decided not too use holo maids a week ago because If I wasn't able to use holo maids one day I'd need to know how to help myself. A holo nurse took my hand from my face and put ICE® cream on my forehead. Henrietta must've activated it, she has been everyday since I stopped using the maids. I appreciate her looking out for me but I'm not going to kill myself trying to get dressed.

I took a shower, brushed, and went into my closet pulling out a pair of burgundy shorts that went just past my knee, a crop top that was bright red with a realistic ribcage graphic on it, and a button down shirt with purple and red stripes. I put on a purple boot that went up to my calf and a LACE® boot which went up to my calf also. I turned to face the mirror. Black triangular pupil, silver border between pupil and iris, silver border between iris and white of eye, and then my iris is gray but it looks like clouds. My hair is gold and plum pink mixed and darkened in areas. I slicked my shoulder-length hair back, put on some bright red shades with burgundy lenses. I popped my collar playfully, and grabbed my bag.


Roar roar roar, my horn went as I waited in Renee's driveway. She came out wearing a transparent flowing top and a brown halter underneath. She was wearing a khaki skirt that went down to half of her thigh. She was wearing knee-high LACE® boots too. "Hey you stole my brand!", I called jokingly. She smiled, flipping her flames from her face and jogged over.

As she climbed into my car I got a sneak peek of her black laced panties. She got comfortable and looked at me like she was waiting for me to drive then gasped, "Don't tell me, we're wearing the same brand panties too?!".

I cracked a smile, "No we aren't but yours are arousing, maybe I should buy them.". I backed out of her driveway and drove out of her neighborhood.

"Sorry but I only sell my used underwear online.", she smiled and winked.

I gave her the puppy dog face, "Aww no exceptions for your hero?".

She tried to make a serious face but she burst into laughter and I laughed too. "So Cassy, did you take the E-LEARN?"

"Yeah I did but why would I miss out on highschool? I missed out on elementary school and had to beg to go to middle school so I should be grateful to have the privilege of going to highschool pain-free."

"Why'd you have to beg to go to middle school?"

"Oh uh my parents wanted to keep me pure and good."

"Looks like they did a pretty good job since you've become my hero."

I laughed, "You're so...", I laughed again, "You're so you."


"Want to get breakfast?"


I drove to Parafoodle and got us some breakfast.


I drove to the school and when we got out of the car of course people stared but less at me and more at us. Renee locked arms with me and started skipping, "Come on!", she said. I didn't really want to but I skipped too and we did that all the way to class.

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