I'm About To Lose My Mind...

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I awoke to the sound of gentle, yet firm, knocking on my door. "Would you like me to activate the holo maids Lady Cassandra?", Henrietta's voice called as kindly as the day before.

"No", I huskly answered with sleep still in my throat. "I can get dressed myself."

I climbed out of my bed and got dressed without hurting myself. The hollonurses stood at attention, awaiting my usually inevitable injury of myself.

I head to school not daring to pass by Renee's house or the route she takes when she walks.

The reason why I'm not hanging now is because she's probably waiting to expose me in front of the entire school. I mean the chance for a Ba to bring down a Pierce hasn't come since the day that the SF won the war. This is a chance she can't afford to miss, ending the bloodline of the star. Since being a Ba is practically like being a janitor compared to other SF.

I equipped my car and walked onto campus. The paper scented halls' boisterous chatter had nothing on the pounding in my chest. It was as if a drum was beating off within me making every step harder to take.

I sat in my chair and greeted Vivica and Synthia courteously. I tried to keep my cool.

Renee and Mrs. Watson walked in and seemed to be having simple small talk as if they were friendly aquintances. Renee sat down in her chair with the gates of flames hiding her face.

"Cassandra", Mrs. Watson said.

I stood, in fear but also preparation. I'm ready to run. "Yes Mrs. Watson?"

"Your presentation was wonderful. Stay after class, you have to tell me how you managed to perform so well!"

I smiled that smile I give all the teachers, "Thank you Mrs. Watson.", I sat down.

That's not what I had expected. What is Renee thinking? Why hasn't she told anyone? Is she going to blackmail me? I was too scared to talk to her. Maybe she's waiting for the right moment.

After class I stayed behind to talk to Mrs. Watson. "You did swell! If I didn't know any better I'd have thought you were a professional!", she said.

"Thank you. I guess I have a habit of dancing", I paused, "Now what did you really want to talk to me about?"

Mrs. Watson smiled, "You and Ms. Sapphire Ba seem close. You know if you two ever decided to get together things would get...complicated."

I stared at her blankly. A little irritated.

"A-all I'm saying is make sure you don't make any mistakes. You need to be sure that you marry someone you love and who loves you. Despite the flaws. If you don't then all the work you spend trying to get together will be a waste and that'll make you feel even more unhappy", her eyes watered.

"Mrs. Watson?", I reached out to her and hesitantly hugged her. "I-is there something going on between you and Mrs. Charlie Watson?"

"It-it's nothing". She backed up and grabbed my shoulders,"Just make sure that whoever you choose, make sure you choose them for the right reasons okay?"

"Yes mamn", I nodded.

"Now off to lunch with you", she gave me a small pat and I left.

I passed Mrs. Charlie Watson who held a bouquet of purple and pink roses and moved in a rush. I hope she didn't do something that could jeopardize their relationship. I hope Mrs. Watson is overreacting.

In the cafeteria I got my food and went to where I usually eat with Renee. As expected, she wasn't there. I sat down and held my head in my hands.

I can't eat. Not with all this worry coursing through me. I left my food behind and left campus.

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