The Ghost Of The Present

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Suddenly the scenery changed again and he wasn't standing in his apartment anymore, but in Chang Dai.

Ash smiled despite himself. He had guessed right who the ghost of the present would be...

"Hey, Ash.", Shorter said nonchalantly, leaning on the counter, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his torn jeans.

"Shorter.", Ash smirked. "The Chang Dai, huh? I feel like coming home."

"That was my intention. I wanted to remind you that you have a new home now."

"I know that - ", Ash began, but was interrupted by Shorter.

"Do you? Do you really know that? Then why are your eyes not shining with happiness? Why is there still so much darkness and pain in your eyes? You have everything you've dreamed of: you have a real home, live in a safe and peaceful country and have a person who loves you unconditionally and would do anything for you.", Shorter asked him disappointedly.

"I - That's not... Wait, Eiji loves me?", Ash exclaimed, pure surprise running over his face.

Shorter slapped a hand on his face in frustration. "Things are even worse than I've thought... Ash Lynx, I've always known that you're an idiot, but I've never thought you'd be this clueless. That letter Eiji wrote you, you know that was a love letter, right?", he exclaimed, pure disbelief on his face.

Ash thought about it for a moment. "No, it wasn't. He wrote we were friends."

"And he wrote 'My soul is always with you.'
"So?", Ash asked in confusion, a frown appearing on his forehead.

Shorter went to Ash and put an arm around his shoulders. "Ash, that means he loves you, you dumb idiot. He tells you that he's always with you even if you are apart. That he's always thinking about you. That you're not alone and he would do anything for you. Ash, that boy even picked up a gun for you and risked his life to save you. Have you really forgotten that?"

"No, I haven't. But - "

"Ash, only because he doesn't use the word love directly doesn't mean he doesn't love you. Learn to read between the lines, goddammit. You've read so many intellectual books, wrote brilliant essays and even came up with a chemical analysis of the Banana Fish drug. So why can't you analyze a damn love letter?", Shorter asked him in amazement.

"Because my smart mind stops working when it comes to Eiji.", Ash admitted reluctantly, looking away from him. Shorter just grinned at him mischievously. "That's because you love him, too."

"I know that!", Ash glared at him his green eyes flashing dangerously. "What I don't fucking get is why Eiji would love someone like me!", he explained irritated.

"Ash, I know that you've gone through a lot. You still think that you don't deserve to be happy or to be loved. And  that everyone will leave you eventually. But Eiji is still by your side. And he won't leave.", he clarified for Ash. Ash nodded sadly, but Shorter could see it in his pained green eyes that he didn't believe him. Not entirely at least." He sighed dramatically. "I guess you won't believe me unless I show you." The scene changed to their apartment in Japan, specifically to Eiji's room.

Shorter motioned to all the pictures in Eiji's room. "Ash, look around. Look at the photos and pictures he's decorated his room with. What do they all have in common?", Shorter asked while giving Ash time to look around.

Shorter knew that Ash was smart and he was in Eiji's room every day. But Shorter also knew that Ash was a complete idiot when it came to Eiji. He needed a little push to realize some things. His best friend confirmed this by asking him a question, resignation clearly visible on his face. 

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