I'll be seeing you

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I made my way down the streets of Pennsylvania. It was a warm yet windy night. There were strings of light bulbs hanging on vintage buildings that connected together. Although the buildings had paint chippings and dull colors the town was beautiful.

I passed a couple people walking on the cracked sidewalks. The cold air hits me like a crashing wave causing me to get an enormous chill that ran down my spine. I wrapped my jacket around me tighter and walked a little faster than before.

Finally I arrived at the cafe. It's an old cafe that's just about as old as every other place in this town. But I loved it because older things brought me a warm, happy feelings.

My mother said she'd go here when she was my age and attending the college that I'm enrolled in. She would be so proud.

I pushed open the glass door that greeted me with a bell ring. A couple people stared as I walked to the counter and ordered my drink. The barista handed me my coffee and I sat in the corner to read.

I read Looking for Alaska by John Green. Usually I read factual books but this one intrigued me. John Green is a wonderful writer and I aspire to be able to write like him. Poetry is all I am able to write sadly.

I heard the ring of a bell and looked up at the door. This boy who looked about my age with white, messy hair was opening the door with his back. Before entering the cafe he took another puff of his cigarette then dropped it on the ground.

He had a navy blue apron on that was imprinted with the cafe logo on it. He was wearing a black jacket, t-shirt, and black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knee. I never realized how handsome all that black could be.

The boy took off his coat and put it on the coat rack and turn around to face me. A smile formed with his full lips and his green eyes lit up. I quickly looked away, embarrassed that he had caught me staring. I continued reading my book again to try and forget what just happened.

My reading interrupted by the sound of a chair moving in front of me. I look up from my book to find that same boy I had seen earlier. He was sitting in the chair wrong. He had his arms crossed laying on the top of the back of the chair with his head resting on his arms like a pillow.

"Hello beautiful" he plays with the black lip ring on his bottom lip. He had a calm and lovely voice with an Australian accent. What was an Australian boy doing in America? He was probably wondering the same about me, having a Welsh/British accent myself.

"Hey" I reply closing my book and putting it on the table. He reaches out and grabs the book sliding it to him. "Looking for Alaska, huh?" He said. "Why not just look at a map?" He asked grinning showing his white teeth.

"The title is very misleading" I say sipping from my coffee. "I know" he said. "It's my favorite book." he opens it to see where I left off. "I love this part." he says smiling.

"Clifford!" someone shouts from the room from behind the counter. "See you later." he stands up biting his lip. I watch as he walks away and into the room shutting the door behind him.

I think that's enough reading for now.

After leaving the cafe I arrived at my dorm and plopped down on the bed. I let out a sigh and stare at the ceiling until I fall asleep.


I woke up to the door shutting. My roommate climbed onto my lap and shook my face. "Wake up Marina!" Arianne shouted. "What time is it?" I rubbed the sleep from my tired eyes. "Time for you to get the hell up." Arianne's accent lingered in her words.

"Fine." I groaned as Ari climbed off me to undress. I looked in the mirror and my eyeliner has smeared. "You look hungover," Arianne said as she slipped into a pair of sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. "You look like a crack head." I said.

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