Chapter 6: The Truth Revealed

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Y/N P.O.V.

When the light went away I realized I was in our old house. The doorknob turned and in came the girls and the boys. I stood in front of them but they didn't pay any attention to me.

"Hello!" I said trying to get their attention. They didn't even look at me. I was so mad that I went up to slap Daniel, but my hand WENT RIGHT THRU HIM!

I started to panic, was I dead? They all started to go upstairs so I followed them. There I saw something horrifying, Corbyn was tied to a chair with Christina laughing in his face.

"I bet you regret dumping me now." She said backhanding him hard across the face. "It's pathetic too" she paused looking at the photos on his phone, "I didn't want to hurt her."

Was she talking about me?

Corbyn's eyes went wide, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" he shouted at Christina.

She slapped him again, "It's not what I did, it's what you did!" Every time she slapped him I became angrier and angrier. I went to confront her but I couldn't move.

"What?" Corbyn asked clearly confused.

Christina showed him a video. "While Jake was mind controlling you, I set up a video. She saw YOU cheat on her, she saw YOU letting me have sex with you." She smiled.

I went from angry to sad. He didn't cheat on me, and I never stayed to hear the full story. I wasn't there for him! I could of had him this whole time! But I didn't because I just jumped to conclusions.

Corbyn started to tear up, "No! I didn't cheat, I love her!"

Christina practically had steam out of the ears as she stepped closer to Corbyn. That's when I noticed something on her knuckles. It was a brass knuckle, used for fighting. I tried to move my feet but it didn't work, I screamed for her to stop, for the boys to do something. But it was too late she hit him right in the throat, he coughed up blood and started to wheeze and gasp.

I could finally move again and ran up to them, I barely made it to Corbyn before I saw white again.

"Supernatural War" sequel to "Don't Deserve You" (Corbyn Besson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now