Chapter 25: The Four Kingdoms

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Y/N P.O.V.

I cleared my throat a little. "My subjects!" I spoke loudly, my voice echoing out. "Today we have made history! And not normal history!! Supernatural history!"

Everyone clapped and cheered. "The history of the supernatural creatures shall no more be forgotten! We should no longer hide!" I said loudly. Everyone gasp. The boys looked at me weird. The girls where confused. But the spirits smiled and mouth, "follow your gut." And Corbyn smiled at me. Trusting me.

"We shall no longer hide from each other! We all ignore and fight other supernaturals like I did with Christina! And look where we are now!" I gestured to the battle field. "So we will make this land! Supernatural land! The four kingdoms! United by the duty castle! And held together by its people!"

Everyone yelled loudly. Cheering again, "I will appoint council people, and rulers for each of the kingdoms!"

I looked at Jonah and Sophia. "Jonah Marais! And Sophia Alexander!" They looked at me and I lifted them up. "You are the strongest most bravest people I know. I don't know anyone who would be better to rule, the fire kingdom. Then you two." I smiled. Turning to Mishal who let himself turn bright red, transferring his power into the couple. Sophia had a red dress now and Jonah had a red suit. Both of them had fiery hair. They held each other's hand, using there powers to create a large red castle. With the surrounding area making house of red. Trees that had the most beautiful leaves. They smiled and floated to the ground.

"Jack Avery and Gabriella Gonzalez." I said, making them float up. "You two are the kindest people I've ever met. You love just about anyone, so I feel Earth would fit you great!" I looked at Everest and she smiled. Transferring her powers to Jack and Gabbie. With Lavender.

Jack had a green suit like Jonah. Gabbie has a green float dress. There hair had some hints of green in it. Lavender had a cute green romper on. She giggled. They all laughed making another castle turn green, having flowers and moss grow in the area of the new kingdom. I let them float down.

"Ella Alberti and Daniel Seavey," I called, again making them float next to me. "You both have incredibly kind hearts. And are so smart!! You truly deserve the water kingdom."

Ara glowed and gave her powers to them. They smiled at each other when they changed. Daniel with a suit, and Ella with a long flowing dress and hair. Both there hair became blue. They created a blue castle with a blue biome.

I let them float down, "Christine Dellamonica and Zach Herron" I said letting them float up. "You are the most wild and crazy spirits I've ever met and ever will know. You two are crazy like the wind. So you have the air element." Solona gave her powers to them. Christines hair turned purple and Zach's did too. He had a purple suit and Christine had a long purple dress. They turned the fourth castle purple. Along with the area. Making it look so bright and beautiful. I set them down.

Lookin at Corbyn I smiled. "And Corbyn Besson." I lifted him up next to me. "Your the kindest person and sweetest man I've ever met. Your so kind and amazing I'm every way. That's why I trust you to rule with me. The king of supernatural animals!"

The spirits used the last of there powers and transferred it to Corbyn. He had a white tux with a golden crown. My hair turned white, and my outfit was made an extremely long white dress, laced in gold. With a golden tiara.

We held hands and blasted the castle in the center. Making a large sparkling white and gold building.

"We are the rulers of the four kingdoms!" I shouted. Letting everyone float up. People cheered and whistled.

We all smiled at each other.

"Supernatural War" sequel to "Don't Deserve You" (Corbyn Besson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now