Chapter 22: The final battle

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I heard a loud scream. And not just anyone's scream, Corbyns scream!

I ran fast into the distance, closer to one of the castles from where I heard the scream.

'I'm coming Baby! Don't worry!' I thought coming into a large clearing, hearing laughs and thumps as I got closer.

I made it into an even larger clearing. Finding everyone in a large glass cage. They had cuts and bruises. Corbyn was on the ground, they had gotten to his neck scare. I could see it bleeding.

One of the men noticed me, nodding to some of the others to look at me.

"Well here she is, she finally decided to show up." The men laugh, and the boys looked at me. Looking at there eyes I could see how broken they where.

I growled and snarled.

"This is it," one of them said. "The fight to end it all."

"I'm ready to beat your asses and win this war." I told them. Cracking my knuckles.

There was a loud evil laugh coming from behind me. There it was Christina with a large army of wolves, vampires, phantoms, and centaurs. Some of them where riding a black colored unicorn.

"How can you win when it's just you. Face it, we're destined to rule the world." Christina said.

I looked at her army and I looked at the cage everyone was in. Looking at Corbyn who was weak on the ground.

"Your on, but promise me no matter what they stay safe no matter what happens." I told her, motioning to the cage.

She rolled her eyes, "fine." She snapped her fingered moving the cage over. So it was out of the way.

Corbyn sat up, putting his hands on the glass and looking at me. Begging me not to do this.

I sighed and looked back at them. Letting my hands light up.  "Lets do this."

She laughed and motioned for her army to charge. And they did, I flew blast of green, blue, red, and purple at them. Alternating colors hitting as many people as I could with as much force.

I got hit around hard and eventually couldn't keep my balance.

Christina laughed and stepped forward. Pointing her sword at me. "Any last words?" She asked with a smirk.

I looked up at her. I was cut and bleeding, a large scar was going straight across my face where my eye was.

From behind her I could see the spirits, nodding at me. Smiling at the same time. I smiled at them and stood up slowly, getting into a fighting position.

"Give me your worse. I can take it." I said. Ready for whatever I put myself into.

Christina laughed and called her army onto me again. But half way they stopped when the Earth began to shake and rattle.

Behind me I saw the most amazing thing in the world.

I smirked and looked back at Christina. "NO!" She screamed.

The boys and girls looked shocked, then smiled at what we all where looking at.

"Son of a bitch," I smiled.

"Supernatural War" sequel to "Don't Deserve You" (Corbyn Besson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now