chapter 2

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As I walked into his nursery I once again smelled diapers and baby powder. I grabbed a Pampers diaper and went straight to the bathroom and locked the door. I looked and it was a size 7.

I pulled down my jeans then my panties. I opened the diaper and it was Soo soft. I layed down on the cold floor and put the diaper under my butt and folded it up over my princess parts. I stretched the sides so they wouldn't rip and to my surprise they didn't.

It was a really comfy not going to lie. I quickly put on my panties over the diaper then put on my jeans. I went to watch TV and I forgot the diaper was even there when I was sitting down.

When I went downstairs for dinner I was really scared that some one would see the diaper but luckily it went good. After dinner I had to go pee as I usually do. I was thinking about using the diaper but I was too scared to go. I instead used the toilet like a grown up.

Before I left I managed to sneak another diaper to take home with me with out getting caught. The ride home was where things got interesting.

It was only an hour in when the need to pee hit me. We had already passed the rest stop 5 minutes ago. I ask my dad if we can stop soon or else I'm going to pee my pants. He tells me that the next stop won't be for another 40 minutes or so.

Uh oh. Why did I wear the diaper home? I should have thrown it away before I left. At least they have diapers in the trash cans so it wouldn't be suspicious. But at home where am I going to dispose of it? I should have thought this through better.

30 minutes go by and I can't hold it any more. I start to silently cry and tears start rolling down my eyes. The diaper is getting all warm and squishy. It was almost full and I had no signs of stoping the flow of pee. I tied so hard but it hurt just as bad. Next thing I know the diaper was leaking and I didn't know what to do.

"Mom" I cry out. "I couldn't hold it any more... I peed my pants". I say as I start bawling my eyes out. Im 18 and I just peed my pants, not to mention I'm also wearing a diaper.

She tells my dad to pull over so she can try to clean the car so it doesn't stain as much. As we pull over on the side of the road she tells me "it's okay hun. It happens to the best of us".

As I get out of the car my mom tells me to turn around to see how bad the damage was. I do as I am told but I'm crying even harder now. She sees that there are only wet spots on the sides of my butt and not as much my crotch.

"Honey... What are you wearing? Why is it that only the sides of your but are wet?" I can't bring myself to say a word. " I'm not mad at you Maddie. Its just that last time you had an accident all of your but was wet and so was your crotch. But this time it's not. Just tell me the truth and I won't get mad".

"Mom I.. I.." I can't seem to get a word out. I decided that I was just going to have to show her. I undid my jeans and pulled them down as well as my panties just enough so she could see them. I start crying again.

She pulls me in for a hug. " Shh don't cry. It's okay. Look on the bright side. If you weren't wearing that your accident would have been way worse". I can't bring myself to look at her. I just stare at the ground. "Do you have another one with you so you can change out of this wet one?" I just nod and go grab it out of my bag.

While I go grab my bag she goes and cleans where I was sitting. I can hear her talking to my dad. I start to tear up again. As I walk up to my mom she tells me to lay on the back seat. I don't want to argue with her so I just comply. She pulls down my pants and panties. I'm left with just my soaked diaper on display.

She tells me that usually when you change a diaper you wipe everything down and use baby powder and diaper rash cream if they have a rash but since they didn't have any of that she was just going to wipe me down with some napkins they had lying around.

She untapes the diaper and pulls it down to expose my princess parts to the cold air. My mom just says we can worry about that later and wipes me down. Slides the diaper out from underneath me and rolls it up into a ball and jokingly says "my goodness. You sure know how to soak a diaper" in hopes of making me cheer up.

She slides the new diaper under my butt and pulls it forward to make sure it's properly adjusted. " You know hun. If you were to have adjusted that diaper properly you might have not leaked. There was still some dry padding in there." She tapes up the new diaper and stickers her fingers in the leg holes and makes sure the leak guards are in the right spot.

Before she told me to sit up she gave me raspberries on my stomach. She knows I've always been ticklish there and I couldn't resist to laugh. She tells me to sit up and I do. "Mom what about my pants?". She then tells me " your pants are wet remember? And we are going straight home anyway"

For the rest of the ride all I could think about was why was I so stupid. Why did I put the stupid diaper on anyway? Mom didn't seem too mad. She told me she was glad I was wearing the diaper. If I wasn't I would have made a bigger mess. Does Mom want me to wear diapers?

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