chapter 6

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After my mom was done changing me she pulled my tights and skirt back up and told me to socialize with everyone. I was worried that they would be able to hear the kirinkle Everytime I walked. My mom told me that I would be fine and no one would be able to tell.

Everything was going good until after dinner. My tummy was starting to hurt and rumble. I don't think that dinner was agreeing with my tummy. I didn't think much of it and went to play a board game with my sister. A few minutes later my aunt brought us our baby cousin to play with us. I sat up and next thing I know it all came out. I had messed my diaper in front of my sister. She doesn't know that I am wearing a diaper and yelled out loud that he had messed himself.

My aunt told her to check if he had farted or if he actually messed. She went to pick him up and pulled at the waist band and she saw nothing. She then smelt his butt and looked confused. She said he didn't even stink. I started to blush. She then set him down and came over to me. She sniffed me and asked me if I had farted. I blushed really hard and told her no.

Just as that was happening my mom came and told me to stand up. I did as I was told and she pulled back my waist band and said that she found out where the smell was coming from. She than told my sister to grab my bag. She opened the bag and pulled out a blanket and set it down. She told me to lay down and she started undressing my lower half. My sister just stood there in shock and all I could do was cover my face with my hands to hide. My mom then proceeded to change me right in front of my sister.

When my mom was done cleaning me my sister asked if she could finish diapering me. My mom agreed and told my sister what to do and I was begging my mom to not let her. I guess I was annoying her because she went to my cousin's room and grabbed a pacifier and put it my mouth. I was shocked I didn't know what to do. She told me I couldn't take it out until she said so or I wouldn't be allowed to wear pants. I stayed quiet and let my sister finish diaper me.

When my sister was done my sister asked my mom how long have I been like this. She told her that I had an accident on the way home from Thanksgiving but I was wearing a diaper. And that if I wasn't wearing it I would have made a big mess. She even told her about all my other accidents. My sister asked my mom if she could change me the next time I had an accident.

I was really hoping that my sister didn't find out. I really hope that she doesn't make fun of me. Well I know that she will have black mail against me if she wanted to. I just hope she doesn't use it. After my mom was done telling her I went on the couch and tried to avoid people whilel sucking on the pacifier. It was actually kind of calming and relaxing.

After a while my mom came in and said I could take the pacifier out if I wanted to. I kind of didn't want to take it out but decided that I didn't want to embarrass myself any more. The rest of the day went uneventful and we went home kind of late. I fell asleep on the car ride home. When I woke up in the car we were almost home and I had the pacifier in my mouth. I don't remember when or who put that in my mouth. But that wasn't the only thing that was different my diaper was also soaked. When I looked over to my sister she was also sleeping.

I decided that I would go back to sleep and not worry about it. When I woke up again I was in bed with nothing but a dry diaper and a t shirt with the pacifier in my mouth of course. I didn't remember getting changed or being brought up to my bed. I turned on my lamp and saw a sippy cup with some juice. The juice tasted a little funny but I didn't really mind but I was really thirsty so I decided to drink the juice and fall back asleep.

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