Chapter 6: The Straw Hats and Ace

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(2nd pov)

You can already hear Luffy shouting "Food!" from where he's at now. You laughed quietly while you watch the scene in front of you.

"So? What do you want from me?" Ace asked Smoker. "To let me capture you quietly." Smoker answered. "Nah, I'll pass on that." Ace replied smirking. "Yeah, I figured." Smoker said. "I'm busy trying to find another pirate at the moment. To be honest, I have no interest in taking you in." He said. "Then just look the other way." Ace said shrugging. "I can't do that." Smoker said as he activated his devil fruit powers.

"You're looking for Straw Hat Luffy, right?" You asked. Smoker now noticed and his eyes widen. "It's you!" He said shockingly. Ace turned to you, shocked as well. "You know Luffy?" He said and you nodded. "Yeah. If you're looking for him then you're in luck, because he's heading this way. Like right now." You answered while moving away a little bit.

"Gomu-Gomu no....Rocket!!" Luffy shouted as came through the door and slammed onto Smoker and then to Ace. Both of them sent crashing through the wall.

Everyone's jaws dropped in shock. "A restaurant! I finally found one! Now I can eat! I'm starving!" Luffy cheered and ran to sit beside me. "Old guy! Food! Food! Food! On the double!" He said excited. A minute later he got his food and start eating.

You laughed at what you saw in front of you. 'Seeing this in person is even more hilarious than I thought.' You thought while laughing. Luffy noticed you and his smile widen. "Ah, (Y/n), you're here too?!" He said happily. You nodded. "Yeah, I was just eating until you came and sent someone flying." You said smiling at him. "I did? Who went flying?" Luffy questioned.

You pointed to where a giant hole is at. He looked at the hole in confusion while eating. "What's with all these holes? What a weird place! Is this your hobby, old guy?" Luffy said while eating. "You caused it!" Everyone shouted at him. "I did? When?" Luffy asked.

You can hear Ace and Smoker getting up from where they landed with angry faces. Everyone ran to the corner to avoid being in a fight. You stayed where you at as you saw Ace with a surprised expression.

"Lu-! Oi, Luf-!" *SLAM* "Straw Hat!" You saw and laughed a little as you stare at the scene. Luffy still eating as he stared at Smoker.

"I've been looking for you, Straw Hat! So you did come to Alabasta!" He growled. Luffy is still eating. You dozed off for a minute until you heard Luffy spit out his food at Smoker in shock.

"You're that Smokey-guy! What're you doing here?!" Luffy shouted in shock. "Bastard..." Smoker said glaring at Luffy. "Hold it!" Luffy shoved all of his food in his mouth. "Thank you for the meal" he said bowing and then run off with Smoker behind him.

You were about to continue eating until you feet an arm around your waist. You looked down and started to sweat. 'Oh, fu-' you couldn't finish your thought until you were sent flying backwards past Smoker who looked surprised and onto Luffy who now carried you over his shoulder.

You blinked and looked back at Luffy with a tick mark forming on your head. "Oi! Luffy! What's the big deal!? Put me down!" You shouted angrily. He didn't listen to you as he kept running.

"Tashigi!" You hear Smoker shouted at Tashigi. "Y-yes, Captain Smoker?! Do you want a towel? This kingdom certainly is hot!" Tashigi said with a smile on her face.

"Catch that guy! It's Straw Hat! He's got a hostage with him!" Smoker shouted. You look up at Smoker confused. 'The hell? Does he think I'm just a regular girl?' You thought but sighed and slumped in defeat.

"Straw Hat?!" Tashigi said in shock. She came at him with a sword on her hand. "I'll stop him!" She swiped at him, but Luffy dodged and jumped onto a building and ran on top of each building with me hanging from his shoulder.

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