Chapter 2

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 Ivy laid on the ground almost paralyzed. The wooden stake stuck out of his stomach and back, and his dark red blood seeped out around the wound. Although she was disgusted- with the wound and herself- she couldn't help but stare at the blood that was dripping over her legs. She sat up and grabbed the end of the stake.  The boy gave her a worried look.

 "No no no don't pu-" he started as she yanked the wood from his body. The boy grunted and fell to his knees.  "What the hell?" he exclaimed, clutching his wound.

 "Sorry, I just tried to help." Ivy said as she moved closer. The boy had his head down, his dark brown hair shrouding his face, and didn't say anything. Ivy put down her crossbow and put both hands on his shoulders.

 He looked up and she saw his glowing red eyes.  It was like staring into a burning fire. He snarled and lunged at her, sinking his fangs into her neck. She let out a blood curdling scream as he started to suck her blood. The fangs were like sharp needles and the blood that exited her body left a cold painful feeling. She saw the figure of her father running in the distance before she passed out from the pain.


 When Ivy woke up she was laying on a cot in a dark and empty room.  She couldn't seem to remember how she had gotten there.  Her Aunt Lillian was sitting in a chair by her bedside and when she realized Ivy was awake said, "She's finally awake Vincent."

 Ivy sat up and her aunt shot up from her chair and quickly pulled her gun. Ivy put her hands up and realized she was shackled to the floor.

 "Aunt Lilly, calm down.  It's me!"  Ivy pleaded.  Her aunt ignored her and stood firm, holding her gun with both hands.  The sight was pointed at Ivy's heart. Her dad was standing by the door with a distant look on his face.

 "Dad what's going on?  Why am chained up?" He turned and looked at her, his face a twisted expression she had never seen before.

 "Don't act like you don't know.  Your mother and I have only keep you alive this long because of your grandfather."

 "What are you talking about?  Why are you looking at me like that?"

 Her aunt put her gun back in its holster. "Vincent I don't think she knows." Her father gave her a angry look and left, only to return with a hand mirror that he then handed to Ivy.

 Ivy held the mirror up and looked at herself.  Her face was pale as paper and her eyes had changed from their normal pale green to a blood red that only meant one thing. She concentrated and made long white fangs appear from her incisors. She had become the very monster her family lived to kill.  Moving the mirror down so she could see her neck, she saw two puncture scars where the boy had bit her.

 She put the mirror on the bed and looked at her father with pleading eyes. "Dad, what are you going to do to me?" Ivy asked, already knowing the answer.

 "Don't you dare call me that.  You're no daughter of mine- not anymore."

 "It's still me, I'm still your little gir-"

 "No you're not!  You're just another blood sucker!  Another monster!" he yelled, walking out of the room quickly followed by Aunt Lilly.

 Ivy had never felt so much pain in her whole life.  The bite had been nothing compared to this. She was angry, sad and completely trapped. Picking up the mirror, she chucked it at the wall, watching the glass fall to the floor. She laid her head on her pillow and let the tears drift her to sleep


 Ivy woke only a hour later, forehead sweating and hands shaking.  She couldn't figure out why she was so restless.  She suddenly felt claustrophobic and needed to get out of the room. Sitting up, she pulled at the chains and managed to snap them, with a powerful feeling she never had before.

 She rushed to the window and pulled it open, staring into the darkness of the forest. Ivy looked down and realized she was two stories up in the mansion. She walked toward the door and tried to pull it open but it was locked from the outside; the window was the only way out.

 Dangling her legs out the window, she leapt out and rolled as she landed. Immediately, she bolted for the forest to search for the pale boy. He owed her for ruining her life.

Red Dyed Eyes (Dead Blood Series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now