part 46

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"congratulations mr raizada..It's a baby girl.and ur wife is fine." the nurse said handing over the little bundle of joy wrapped up in a towel to arnav.
Arnav held his daughter carefully in his hands..
"Bhai..My daughter..Look she's so tiny.." arnav exclaimed looking akash with tears .
Akash too had tears to see his niece..He remembered the day he held his baby brother for the first time ...
"She has same nose like u." Akash said touching baby's finger..
"And the same brown eyes as khushi.." arnav continued.
The baby held akashs fingers tightly...Akash face bloomed with a smile..
Arnav:looks like she's not gonna leave her bade papaa...
Akash:my angel loves bade paapa so much that's why she's holding me tightly.

That's when something striked akash mind..When they saw khushi in pain ,payal was holding khushis hand tightly..even when they tried to take khushi in their arms payal was holding tightly...That was a new response from her..
Akash:I'll come back chotte..I need to go now.

Akash tried to go in a hurry before arnav reply.he tried to retrieve his fingers from the baby but she held it more tightly..
"I'll come back with ur badi maa" akash whispered in babys ears and kissed her tiny hands..Baby slowly loosened her grip from akash fingers..Seems like she understood what akash said..

Nani was sitting with payal ..Suddenly akash rushed to the room..
Akash sat next to payal and held her hands..
Nani:akash beta..What happened?Everything fine at hospital?
Akash:haa nani.. khushi delivered a baby girl..Both are fine..
Nani got really happy with the news and she excused from there to arrange for sweets to share at this happy moment..
Akash leaned towards payals ears..
Akash: payal..We have become bade papa and badi maa..It's a baby girl for our khushi and chotte..Don't u wanna see her?Wake up payal .
Tears ran through his cheek and fell on payals face..
Payal suddenly jerked with heavy breath..She pounded from the bed for once and started taking heavy breaths..Akash called the nurse who treats her..The nurse gave an injection.. Her breaths were back to normal....Akash felt so bad to see her like this..It's not the first time she's having such reactions..It happened many times before.every time their heart hoped to see her back normal..

"Akash..." ..Akash was about to go back from the room when he heard a small whisper calling his name..
He turned back to see payal calling him still eyes closed...his eyes shined with hope..
"Payal..Open ur eyes..I'm here..See..I'm here.." akash said holding her hand near his heart and caressing her hair.
Payals eyes started moving a bit in a try to open ..Finally she slowly opened her eyes..The light pierced her eyes making it tough for her..For 6 months her eyes was filled with darkness..
Akash felt his heart beat raising ..His eyes filled with joy..Smiling through tears seeing his love back to life..
Payal saw akash sitting there with tear filled eyes..She tried to get up from the bed..But was too weak for that..

Akash: payal...U r back..6 months...It's been 6 months we r waiting for u...
Payal:mm..Akash...I'm feeling too weak...Where ..Are the others?
Akash: don't worry payal..U will be fine now.. khushi..She is in hospital.. chotte and khushi are blessed with a baby girl..
Payal felt really happy to hear the news..

"Akash" ..Nani came inside calling him..She was so shocked to see payal ...Suddenly her shock turned to happiness..Her eyes brimmed with tears..She came near payal...
Nani: payal.. bitiya..U fine?
She said with tears..payal nodded her head...She was too weak to speak .Nani caressed her hairs..
Nani:it's double happiness for us..I got my bahu back and I became a great grandma...
Akash and nani sat near payal with new hopes of continuing their journey of life...

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