to summon the dead

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There was a new show on TV. It was called 'To Summon the Dead'. The lady on the show could summon the spirits of the dead and have conversations with them. Everyone could see the spirit and the family got closure for the persons death. Sound good right? Well, it is until you summon spirits without a families permission. But, if they got sued, they easily had enough money to hand over. The richest of the rich invested in the show so they didn't care if they were sued a few million here and there.

Some random day, the show came on live. It was never pre-recorded because that 'ruined the authenticity' of the show. There had been rumors about someone who went missing being summoned. That's what lead boyfriends Shoto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugo to currently watching it in their shared apartment.

"Get of your phone Kat. It's starting."

"Whatever." He put his phone down and put an arm around Shoto before he started watching.

"Welcome back ladies and gentlemen! Today we are going to try and solve a very high profile disappearance! Let's describe the case and see if you guys can guess it on our app! How does that sound?"

There were cheers from the audience and the woman smiled.

"This case involves the mysterious disappearance of a 16 year old boy. We aren't going to go into extreme detail so we don't give away the case but, be warned, the few clues were very disturbing to the police officers that were first on the scene. The first clue that was found was a giant pool of blood and skin. When I say giant, I meant, giant. His school uniform was burned beyond belief and laid on his bedroom floor. There were also bare footprints in blood believed to be the boy's. The last clue was drag marks on the floor. It looked as if the boy was hurt very badly and tried to get away."

The screen flashed to pictures of the uniform with the school crest blurred out, footprints, and the blood drag.

"Now folks, grab your phones, go to our app, and vote on what case you think it is! We'll be back after a few words from our sponsors."

Katsuki picks his phone back up and opens the app. He put the phone out in front of him so Shoto can see it as well. He clicked the vote now button which brought him to a screen with four buttons. Each button had a name of a person.

(picture at top)

Shoto was taken by surprise at the name Touya Todoroki. That was his older brother and he knew that of course, but he never heard the details of the case. There's no way the woman was talking about his brothers case right?

Katsuki clicks the Haru Piaga case and shuts off the phone. He and Shoto just talk about random things before the show turns back on.

"We're back folks! All of your votes are casted and let's look at the results!"

A pie chart shows up on the screen.

"Wow! 57% of people think it's the Touya Todoroki case, 32% Haru Piaga, 8% Sora Tabaki, and 3% Tuko Himia. Well, you 57% of people are correct! Today we are summoning Touya Todoroki! Well, if he's even dead! We've had these cases before where the person ends up being alive!"

The crowd cheers and claps.

"Let's get started shall we?"

More cheers and claps.

"I need absolute silence to try and summon the spirit. Let's begin."

The studio lights go off and candles light up all around. Then, the woman starts to chant.

"Oh spirit of Touya Todoroki, if you hear this call reveal yourself! I call your forth to solve your disappearance and help you in your quest to a peaceful rest. Oh spirit, hear my call!"

The candles start going out one by one and the studio light come on full blast. Then, a voice booms around the room.

"Why the fuck do you want to talk to me?! I was peacefully dead you idiot!"

There is no physical spirit but the voice sounds so close.

"I'm sorry oh spirit. But please, tell us who hurt you. Tell us your story."

"You want to know my story! A random person didn't hurt me! It was Endeavor! He burned my skin beyond belief and almost killed me. That's why there was blood everywhere. I dragged myself away and escaped. I lived for 15 years before I finally kicked the bucket. To bad I can't spit on Endeavor's grave."

"Endeavor attacked you?"

"I wasn't just me. He hurt my youngest brother the most. Does your stupid audience want to know what I look like?"

The audience screams and cheers.

A ghostly figure appears hanging from the roof. The figure has barely any color and doesn't even seem to be there. He swings the rope and jumps off. Dramatic much? The audience takes in his appearance. Dark gray scars cover his arms, neck, and face. Staples in his skin. Spikes black hair. The people of Japan know that face all to well. Dabi. This was Dabi. Dabi was Touya. That's why Dabi hated heroes.

"Guess you weren't expecting this. A villain was the son of the former no.1 hero. Great huh? Hey ghost lady, guess you 'solved' my case. Can I go now?"

The woman nods in fear. She closes her eyes and Dabi vanishes.


Shoto is running around his apartment yelling while Katsuki is chasing after him.

"Stop running Shoto!"

"That man was Touya all along! My theory was actually right for once!"

"You and your goddamn theories!"

"What if my other ones are true?! I need answers!"

"Stop running first!"

Katsuki grabs Shoto and tackles him to the ground.

"You done with your little tantrum?"

"Yeah." Shoto says in defeat.

"If I let you up with you run?"



Katsuki slowly lets Shoto go. Shoto stands up and after a minute, starts running again.

"Damnit Shoto!"

Dabi is Touya OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now