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LTPC Chapter 44: Inseparable Love and Affection

The days when the snow melt was always the coldest. The New Year’s Day seemed to have arrived early this year, and the school's winter vacation also have arrived even earlier. As Yao Juan was wrapping up examining papers in the office, he looked up at Yi Ran's elegant silhouette. Coughing a few times, he covered his mouth and said, “In the blink of an eye, it's already the end of exam. Life moves really fast.”

Yi Ran was going to a dinner tonight so she had finished up early. Smiling sweetly, she said, “Yes, I have to go to my in-law's house for New Year's Eve this year. It’s very exciting.” 

Yao Juan reluctantly wanted to laugh, and finally shook his head. 

Since she and Gu Tingchuan had talked things out and exchanged feelings, although their daily work and lives hadn’t changed much, she felt completely different. They were more intimate when alone and, when he kisses her, she seemed to feel several times more shyer than before. 

In the past, Yi Ran could still have some secret thoughts. Now, in front of Director Gu, all the secrets would become exposed instantly. The frequency of the two people had smoothed out to the same pace, which was both sweet and exciting. 

Regarding Director Gu’s Homecoming, after the male lead actor, Yi Yihong, announced his temporary break from acting, people’s evaluation of the film seemed to change. 

“It was not dark nor was it boastful. I recommend this martial arts film, which was clearly shot by very knowledgeable and talented people." 

“Master PO’s main points were very reasonable. If it were others, they can’t even shoot it half so well. Director Gu really had a lot of courage!”

“Recently, a magazine from abroad wrote an article about Homecoming saying that it was the best movie of the year, ahh.”

Gu Tingchuan also recently accepted a short media interview in order to "stabilize the military heart." He said that through this film, he had learned to be "modest" and "reflective", and the next film will change and return to tradition. 

However, even when the man spoke such humble and introspective words, he had the courage to ignore others. In front of the camera, his handsome face was apathetic and indifferent.

When Gu Tingchuan came to Yi Ran’s office and clasped the door frame, his little wife was still chatting with Yao Juan and smiling. His expression was quiet and straightforward, which caused some chatter in the office when he appeared. 

He completely ignored the eyes of others and said in a low voice, "Yi Ran, let’s go?" 

She looked back at the man and was immediately seduced by the low-pitched voice. "Yes, right now!" 

Turning around, she hurriedly said goodbye to Yao Juan and trotted out with her bag. 

Gu Tingchuan walked beside her, the sounds of his leather shoes steady in the corridor. There seemed to be some dissatisfaction. His fingers were possessively wrapped around her waist and the distance between them was naturally closer.

Yi Ran was worried about other things, so she didn't notice that he was acting a little strange. 

Gu Linfeng and his wife had just returned from their villa in Australia. They planned to spend the New Year in S City this year. As soon as they returned, they asked the two sons and daughter-in-laws over for the weekend. Of course, they most wanted to see Gu Tai. 

Although Yi Ran already had some experience when facing the two elders, this would be the first time she met Gu Tai's mother and so she was still a little nervous. 

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