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LTPC Chapter 51: Video Chatting

After they shot a few scenes, the weather suddenly changed. Gu Tingchuan and Yi Ran had planned on going to the river bank. However, the wind grew fiercer and the sky began to drizzle. 

Although it was drizzling, it didn’t affect the moods of those in love. Yi Ran borrowed an umbrella from the crew, walked to the riverbank in boots, and stepped into the shallow edges of the river water. 

"Pay attention to your feet, don't fall," Gu Tingchuan said in a low, pleasant voice behind her. He held an umbrella in one hand and a camera in the other hand.

Yi Ran played in the water for a while and turned to look back at him by the water’s edge. At this time, the sky had become clearer and the rain had lightened up significantly. Gu Tingchuan looked at her through the camera lens, judged the color and composition, and pressed the shutter. 

As the man focused on her through the camera lens, his expression looked both idle and serious. When he held the camera with his slender fingers, he exuded a professional and calm temperament, along with a sense of artistic elegance. It made her feel a little shy and embarrassed. She bit her bottom lip, closed her umbrella, and ducked underneath his umbrella to stand next to him. 

Gu Tingchuan held the umbrella handle steadily and looked down at her, his eyes displaying traces of amusements. 

She looked up and said, “I didn’t see the flower field or the sunset you mentioned, but the scenery is still very beautiful.”

He showed her the camera screen, which displayed the shot he had just taken. The camera screen showed the outline of Yi Ran’s curves. There was a point of light behind her, making her look white and elegant, just like clean snow. It resembled an oil painting from a great master and evoked an indescribable feeling.

“Oh my god...having a husband who can also take great pictures is just plain unjust.”

Yi Ran took the man’s arms, grasping his sleeve with her fingers, as they walked along the path, chatting. 

“Today, I watched some of the video shots, and I felt particularly worried...Compared with your previous movies, has the style changed? Although the theme is not particularly popular, it can resonate really well with audiences at all levels. I believe it will be successful.”

Gu Tingchuan heard her compliment and felt a hint of sweetness in his heart. After all, no other people can console him like she does. As he was thinking about rubbing the corners of the mouth that was praising him, his cell phone in his coat pocket started ringing. 

He glanced down and told her. “It’s a friend. I'll pick it up.”

Yi Ran obediently stopped walking and stood there waiting for him to answer the call. At the moment, the evening drizzle was scattered away by the wind and the branches along the roadside shook. Feeling slightly cold, she leaned closer to him in order to borrow his body temperature to keep herself warm. 

Gu Tingchuan simply wrapped the arm that was supporting the umbrella around her back and pulled her against his chest. The sound of the man’s heart beating, intermixed with the outside sound of rain, was next to her ears, making her heart feel warm. 

She dazed out for who knew how long before she realized that Gu Tingchuan had finished his phone conversation. The tip of Yi Ran’s ears turned red but, instead of moving away, she pillowed closer to his sturdy chest and asked, “Who was that?”

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